• Hello there,

    I really need some help. First of all i must say that i′m not a geek…

    So, right now i work on my webshop. And i use woocommerce for that. The problem is, that i can′t make my own permalinks. WordPress says that i must set a base…

    But for example i want my product category description to be like this /categorydescription

    And WordPress don′t allow that… Right now my URL looks like this: /product-category/categorydescription

    And i want the /product-category removed… How to do that?

    I also want my products to be like this /product-name

    Right now it looks like this: /shop/product-name

    I really love Woocommerce and wordpress, but i really don′t understand why they don′t let me customize the URLs…
    I know that there are some paid plugins out there, but there must be easier ways…


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