• foodloversfatlosshq


    Food Lovers Fat Loss is my new website which is beginning to get around 50-80 individual hits per day. I did originally have AdSense running on there, however, a friend thinking she was doing me a favor clicked many times to help generate money, so obviously they removed my account.

    After an argument, I started worrying theres no point keeping the site open… Anyway I later added ads from chitika, and BitVertiser. So far they are not showing any cash after 1.5 weeks, and many hits. Do they only display at the end of the month?

    What other methods are there please? Thank You
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  • peter achutha


    Hi foodloversfatlosshq huh…huh…huh…I’m out of breath … what a long name.

    I am getting about 330 to 480 visitors per day to my website and still no sales or income from the adverts. It took me a year to get to those figures from 15 visitors a month. So don’t worry about the income. Have fun and enjoy writing. People will see that and if it is fun or funny, more will come.

    I posted one of my articles on a friends blog and they received 7000 visitors in 24 hours for that article where as I received … like two for the whole month. This is the article https://bachutha.com/how-to-make-cheese-indian-paneer/.

    I would suggest that you could use SEO techinques. i.e. you need to have title headings, paragraph headings, … I’m promoting SEO that I am using to improve my website too. It would definitely help you get better ranking in Google … ie more visitors. But nothing like good articles and regular posting to get the crowd.

    I started my blog, https://bachutha.com as a laugh at the stupid things I do in my attempts at cooking but over the year it has evolved. Just keep writing. It may not be about weight loss but anything sincere that grabs your attention – most likely others are interested too and are searching for such articles.

    – peter
    PS, you can leave link in my blog comments about your blog



    You need to set the limitation on the number of blogs per page to four, and you will have to write original content very often and syndicate to social networks. The content must be entertaining and informative. You need some good backlinks.



    You cannot expect the money to start rolling after launching the site. It does not work that way. You need to have visitors to your site and a lot of them to make any money from the advertisements. It’s a numbers game. The only way to do that is to publish original content on a consistent basis and get back links to your site, which is not easy to do. Did you know the average blog only makes $100.00 per month? It’s something to think about.
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