If you need to use one of three equations depending of choice selected in a radio buttons group, you SHOULD TO USE conditional statements. I will assume that the field “Marca el tipo de inmueble” is the fieldname1 (if it is another fieldname correct it in the equation), and the values associates to each option are:
1 for the “Vivienda” choice.
2 for the “Local Comercial” choice
and 3 for “Básico Arrendador”
If the equation fieldname10*12*0.045 is applied for “Vivienda”, fieldname14*12*0.07 is applied to the “Local Comercial”, and fieldname15*12*0.0185 is applied to “Básico Arrendador”, the complete equation would be:
if(fieldname1 == 1) return fieldname10*12*0.045;
if(fieldname1 == 2) return fieldname14*12*0.07;
if(fieldname1 == 3) return fieldname15*12*0.0185;
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