• So I already have Private Suite in place, making my “mom blogging category” private. Only subscribers can read.

    But now I also want to have a private category of my own, with a different set of subsribers! How do I do that?

    I know I can make user groups, but I need to assign them to different private categories. Now all subscribers can access everything private, and Private Suite will not allow me to divide “private” into two different sets.

    Any ideas?

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  • It can’t be done, at least the way the plugin works now. It simply sets the publication status to “private” for all posts in the selected categories. There’s one capability, read_private_posts. You can give that capability to multiple roles, so that authors, editors, and administrators (for example) can read the private posts, but you can’t divide it among many roles.

    There might be another plugin that will do what you want by associating custom capabilities with your categories, but this plugin relies on the built-in capabilities.

    You can user Role Scoper.
    I think it works as you hope. It’s really nice!

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