• I want to creat a site where people can sign the guest book.
    So I was thinking of having another navigation link (like the about) on the header called guestbook.

    My question is this: 1 At the moment after running a few tests the relpy box is always situated at the bottom of the replies. So IF I was ever to get a lot of visiters leaving 100’s of replies does a new visitor have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to get to the reply box in order to leave their comment.Is there a way I can have the box always at the top?

    Also, I would only want a guest visitor to be able to leave their comment. I dont want anyone to be able to repliy directly to what they put.

    It’s like a real guest book (on paper)…you wouldnt want people writting replies over other peoples comments.

    Any help is welcome…thanks

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