• The google two step verification might be a good tool for securing a wordpress site, bit it is difficult to migrate the timer thing to a new phone.

    The problem is that there seems no easy way to add wordpress to the Google Authenticator on the new phone. It seems the difficulty is on the wordpress side, rather than being a problem with google’s Authenticator. The change has to be done manually, e.g. via a barcode. However I cannot see how to make wordpress security settings generate such a barcode.

    Or maybe the problem is with google after all? There does not appear to be any way in google authenticator to ‘Move to a different phone’, despite what some blogs (like this) state. Maybe this arises when using Authenticator only for secondary sites like wordpress and not enabling it on the google account itself?

    The problem with Authenticator, which was not clear to me at the outset, is that the Authenticator account is linked to the PHONE HARDWARE, not the PHONE NUMBER. Many people upgrade their phone hardware periodically, but keep the same number. The 2-step verification process handles this transition very poorly.

    The only approach I can see is to disable wordpress two step verification and start again. Is this correct?

    thank you

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  • Moderator James Huff


    It’s a problem with most 2FA (two-factor authentication) systems, to be honest, it’s not WordPress-specific by any means.

    Due to the way Google Authenticator in particular operates, the only way to change devices is to disable 2FA, then re-enable it using the new device.

    “It’s a problem with most 2FA (two-factor authentication) systems, to be honest, it’s not WordPress-specific by any means.”

    @james: Your statement is not entirely correct. Services like Google Apps and Microsoft Outlook make it quite easy to migrate two-step authentication to new phones.

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