• Resolved senzavento.it


    Hi everybody!
    I’m using Greyzed theme for my blog. It’s pretty cool!
    Now, I would like to modify the “header image”, using a personal one.
    Could you suggest how to proceed, please? I tried more and more changing both “header.php” and “header-img.php” codes, but I reached no results.
    I am ready to use a good plugin to solve the issue, if it really exists…
    Thanks a lot ??

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  • Another header question… I can successfully upload a theme, then I uploaded a custom header, but it doesn’t replace the “My Blog” and “another wordpress site” words that were automatically there when I installed WordPress.

    I tried removing the header, and on the header page, the box is completely blank. But when I load the header again, and hit preview, still shows “My Blog” and “another wordpress site” in addition to my uploaded header.

    How do I make that go away? Thanks!


    Figured it out. Finally got the right thing typed into forum search engine and got an answer. Thanks!

    Thread Starter senzavento.it


    Hi mydanblog,
    thanks for your answer ??
    I tried to modify my CSS file as follows.

    1) In a first time, I add your suggested file, modifying the default one, as it appeared in “structure” of CSS:

    #header {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0;
    height: 260px;
    width: 1054px;
    color: #000;

    Result: Forget about it! It doesn’t work ??

    2) Then I add your file, modifying the default one, as it appeared in a part of “Typography & Colors” of CSS:

    #header .description {
    font-size: 1.4em;
    padding: 0 0 0 39px;
    font-weight: bold;

    Result: Forget about it! It doesn’t work ??

    Maybe I have to change this?
    h1, h1 a, h1 a:hover, h1 a:visited, #header .description {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #000;

    I am always ready to upload a Plugin to solve this damned issue… If it really exists!
    Please, let me know your opinion about that.
    Thanks a lot.
    Ciao ^__^

    Stay with it, Senzavento, you will get it. I have successfully installed the greyzed theme and changed the header image on my test site.

    All I did was to upload the image that I wanted to my
    /wp-content/themes/greyzed/images/ directory.

    Then, I went into my style.css file and I changed this:

    #header {
    	margin: 0px;
    	padding: 0;
    	height: 260px;
    	width: 1054px;
    	color: #000;

    To This:

    #header {
    	margin: 0px;
    	padding: 0;
    	height: 260px;
    	width: 1054px;
    	color: #000;
             background: url('images/YOUR_IMAGE_FILE_NAME_HERE') top center no-repeat;

    Make sure to include the .jpg or .png or similar extension to your filename.

    Hello, I too am having problems and this looks like the thread to get great help. If I figure it out, maybe I can help out as well. My site is https://www.frankfactor.net. I also added my image, “url(images/logo_merged_layers.jpg)” into my header which originally did not have an image. Now it is all catterwonky!How do I get the image to ride ontop of my blue background without the annoying white border, then how do I get it to be above my site summary statement and not smack dab right on top of that (code below).

    [Moderated: Too much code – Please add your code to a service like Pastebin then add your link to the post – https://wordpress.pastebin.com ]

    I love catterwonky sites ??
    I’ll be happy to help you sort it out.

    Before I go moving things around, let’s get a feel for your site description (summary statement). Go ahead and set that so I can see how big it will be.

    For most themes, you can set that in the wordpress dashboard under settings=>general=>tagline

    I got it. I went into css and added some height to the header and that worked. How would I remove the giant RSS icon on the right side of the page because I have a small rss icon I am using for each article that came with a plugin.

    in your css, look for

    .feeds .rss
    	padding: 0px;
    	margin: 0px;

    Replace with

    .feeds .rss
    	display: none;

    That worked. I would’ve never known to do that. Thanks ??

    Thread Starter senzavento.it


    Dear mydanblog,
    thanks a lot for your kind collaboration ??
    You are the “number 1”!
    Following your suggestions I reached the target \(^_^)/
    But now, before modifying the blog, I’m trying to respect the original colours of the “header” (Black & Grey) by using my Graphics Program.
    I think my logo is too white at the moment, as you may see connecting to https://www.senzavento.it/wordpress/wp-login.php
    Other ideas are welcome!

    Thread Starter senzavento.it


    Dear friends,
    finally I reached my objective ??
    Thanks everybody for the suggestions and a very special thanks to mydanblog.
    Following his guidelines I have just changed the “header” of my blog.
    Now, my personal logo appears on the main page.
    You may see the result, connecting to https://www.senzavento.it
    I hope you like it!

    Crap – almost!!!
    Dan I followed your instrux and pasted exactly what you suggested but my logo is freaking humongous – LOL.
    I tried a few other things and Im close to it but can’t seem to get the placement/sizing right.

    Do I need to resize the image elsewhere in the header???
    I know you’re onto the right thing as I can see the logo I want to insert but it’s up under the text partially so it’s cut off.


    If I remember right, I had it set to a 104 height. If you image is more than about 80px high, we’d need to adjust the header size, too.
    I’ll be online for a while. If you put the image up, I’ll help you tweak it.

    on it’s way…

    Wow, that jacks it up pretty good. I’ll play with it a bit, but we might need to do some image editing.

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