• I decided to try out wordpress on my website.. To be honest, I didn’t really expect it to work for me, but it is amazing! and now I am switching my whole site to it.. Well the problem is I setup wordpress in /wp/wordpress/ now I need to move my site to /.

    Is there any configuration I need to do for a move like this? I really do not want to reinstall wordpress as I have already got it all setup even with a slightly modified theme. so I really don’t want to spend another 2 hours doing that..

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  • Have a look at Moving_WordPress. I think you’ll find your scenario in there.

    Personally, I work on the theme design in a sub-directory…and when I get it done I use FTP to download the theme itself to my computer, install WP to the root and upload the theme, plus and needed plugings.

    After I get everything set up and working fine, I uninstall WP from the sub directory, freeing up the database it used.

    I do this with all of my clients too…

    …the other option is a redirect, but your WP is buried pretty deep in your site.

    Hi Pete,
    any reason you don’t do it in WAMP / MAMP on your computer first of all?

    local installs are great to work out stuff until you want to make it live – then all image url’s are whacked

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