• Resolved aineoin


    I’m using the atahualpa theme (sp?). At the bottom of each post is a line that shows the date, tags, categories, comments and a link for editing. What file do I need to edit so that it doesn’t show the category information there?


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  • Open your WordPress theme editor and open post page or single post. Now find out the section corresponding to category and remove.

    Thread Starter aineoin


    Hmmm. Well, I think that pointed me to the right file, though I couldn’t find anything with those names. I’m looking in the bfa_postinfo.php file and found this bit of code:

    // 1st category
    if ( strpos($postinfo_string,’%category%’) !== FALSE ) {
    $all_categories = get_the_category();
    $category = $all_categories[0]->cat_name;
    $category_notlinked = $category;
    $postinfo = str_replace(“%category%”, $category_notlinked, $postinfo);

    // 1st category, linked
    if ( strpos($postinfo_string,’%category-linked%’) !== FALSE ) {
    $all_categories = get_the_category();
    $category = $all_categories[0]->cat_name;
    $category_linked = ‘cat_ID) .
    ‘”>’ . $category . ‘
    $postinfo = str_replace(“%category-linked%”, $category_linked, $postinfo);

    // Categories, linked
    if ( strpos($postinfo_string,’%categories-linked’) !== FALSE ) {
    $category_linked_separator = preg_match(“/(.*)%categories-linked\(‘(.*?)’\)(.*)/i”,
    $categories_linked = ob_get_contents();
    $postinfo = preg_replace(“/(.*)%categories-linked\((.*?)\)%(.*)/i”, “\${1}” .
    $categories_linked. “\${3}”, $postinfo);

    // Categories, not linked
    if ( strpos($postinfo_string,’%categories(‘) !== FALSE ) {
    $category_separator = preg_match(“/(.*)%categories\(‘(.*?)’\)(.*)/i”,
    $categories = “”;
    foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
    $categories .= $category->cat_name . $category_matches[2];
    // remove last separator
    $categories = preg_replace(“/”.$category_matches[2].”$/mi”, “”, $categories);
    $postinfo = preg_replace(“/(.*)%categories\((.*?)\)%(.*)/i”, “\${1}” .
    $categories. “\${3}”, $postinfo);

    Is this what I need to remove? Should it be commented out or deleted?



    Go to your Atahualpa Theme Options > Posts and Pages > Edit Post/Page Info Items. Scroll all the way down to Footer:xxxxxxxxxxxx and clear/edit entries of the box area you want to change (homepage, single posts etc).

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter aineoin


    Thanks! That worked like a charm ??

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