• <ul id="menu">
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">Home</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&amp;depth=1' ); ?>
    <li><a href="<?php echo get_category_link($blog_category_page); ?>">Blog</a></li>

    This is my menu. It is OK! I just want to find a way to order it a little more specific. At the moment, First you see a ‘home’ link, then all my pages, and then at the end, the ‘Blog’ link. I would like to have the blog-link somewhere in the middle, so: in between the pages, so that the page ‘contact’ is last.

    Now, I only know how to get ‘blog’ on the second place, next to home, by simply moving the code up a line. Is there a way to order them more precise?

    To sum up: in my menu I have now: home – page – page – page – blogcategory. I want it to be home – page – page – blogcategory – page. How do I do this?

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  • Thread Starter dekraan


    I’ve seen it, thank you! But I still do not really see, how to do it. I can give them a Page Order, but that only determines the place they get within the row of pages.

    So, if I now have home-page1-page2-page3-blog, and I give page3 a Page Order, it becomes: home-page1-page3-page2-blog. I cannot get a page to list to the right of ‘blog’. So I think page orders only work within the list of pages. What else could I do? Can I somehow give a code like

    for every page? I know the ‘id’ of each one, and then I could post it something like:

    <ul id="menu">

    I don’t know how! Do you know?

    You’d have to break apart the call. You can’t *insert* an outside link into the wp_list_pages() – not without writing a bunch of custom code. Your best bet would be to just split it apart and use the “include” call.

    <?php wp_list_pages('include=2,3,4,5'); ?>
    <li><a href='blog'>Blog</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages('include=6'); ?>

    Alternatively, you could set a Page (called “Blog”) and set it as your blog Page in your settings, although whether or not that’s a good idea depends on what it is your trying to do.

    Thread Starter dekraan


    Hi! I broke it up, using exclude, instead of include. I do have a page in my theme (it is not my own) called page-blog.php, which I think I can set as a template for a page (when I make a page, instead of default, I can choose Blog, I think it comes from page-blog.php), but I have no idea what should be on that page!

    What I want to achieve (and I think I might have that now) Is to have a site with some static-pages (with subpages), like ‘what we do’ and ‘contact’. Then, I also want to have a ‘blogpage’, with the possibility to add categories and an archive that only appear there. So, I think I got it. I have one blog-category thing, where I can make subcategories, and have an archive. Do you agree I’ve sort of gotten what I’ve described?


    I have a problem trying to add a line break on each nav bar option..

    Im using this theme: https://themes.livingos.com/2008/03/04/livingos-epsilon/

    The probleits that the page′s names are too longo so they dont have enopugh space there. For this i want to add line breaks on them.

    Its possible?


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