• Hi wp-community,

    I wrote my own dashboard widget for a cms-like-used wordpress with 50 users, which displays some explanations and news about the system.
    Now I would like to display it ALWAYS in the upper left corner of the dashboard for ALL users.

    Thats the corresponding part of the code:

    add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'backlab_greeting_register_dashboard_widget');
    function backlab_greeting_register_dashboard_widget() {
    	wp_register_sidebar_widget('backlab_dashboard_greeting', __('Greeting Widget', 'greeting'), 'backlab_dashboard_greeting',
    		'all_link' => 'Full URL For "See All" link', // Example: 'index.php?page=wp-useronline/wp-useronline.php'
    		'feed_link' => 'Full URL For "RSS" link', // Example: 'index.php?page=wp-useronline/wp-useronline-rss.php'
    		'width' => 'full', // OR 'fourth', 'third', 'half', 'full' (Default: 'half')
    		'height' => 'single', // OR 'single', 'double' (Default: 'single')

    I’ll be thankful for all hints and tips!

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