• I have seen a few posts about this, but can’t find the fix. Is there a way that I can timestamp my WordPress posts with dates prior to December 31st, 1969?

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  • Nope… PHP is in accordance with the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).

    You might want to consider reading up on https://ca.php.net/time to get a better idea.


    Thread Starter pezastic


    Well, that is sad, because I wanted to construct a personal history (autoblography?) with WordPress and now I can’t, as my life goes beyond the Unix Epoch time limitation. Any way to work around this?

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Thanks, I’d already read it. I felt that thread implied it could be done, but did not elaborate. That is why I asked.
    Another thread
    raised a possible alternative, one that involved using the
    Custom Meta Data plugin
    . Sadly, it too didn’t outline what do to exactly.

    Sorry I can’t be more helpful. To be honest, rather than flounder around trying to hack WP, I’d probably use MT for this project, since it already supports this feature. I expect I will get accused of getting kickbacks from 6A, but I’m used to that by now ??


    What about including the date as part of the title of the article instead of using the timestamp? Then you could just not show the actual date/time of the posting.

    01 April 1900 – On this day I came into the world, kicking and screaming.

    01 April 1917 – Today we shipped off to France to join our allies in battle.

    I realise that this is more work, but it’s one possible solution.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Hmmm… What would be the repercussions of that? Can I sort posts alphabetically, so that they would still be in chronological order? Wouldn’t I lose all archiving capabilities (i.e., posts displayed by month, year, etc.)?

    I hate to change to another blogging app, as I have invested a lot of time setting up WordPress, especially posting images and entries to almost 100 categories, not to mention the great support I have received and rapid development of this app.

    However, this is a big obstacle toward my development of a personal weblog. I’m certain that everyone else who has documents or posts they want to incorporate into a weblog which precede the Dec. 31, 1969 limitation feel the same way.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Currently, with permalinks on, everything I timestamp before Dec. 31, 1969 gets changed to that date. Archives show earlier years, but the permalinks don’t.

    With permalinks turned off, everything works except for the date displayed under the post title, using the date tag (<?php the_time("F jS, Y") ?>).

    From what I can see, that data is coming from the post_date_gmt field of the post in the wp_posts table, whereas the archives are pulling the data from the post_date field.

    Changing the date in the post_date_gmt field did nothing, apparently running up against the PHP limitation. Is there a way to make a tag that would display the date in the post_date field and put that in place of the other tag?

    There’s no way around this problem?

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Okay, I spent a day with Movable Type and it did allow me to post entries prior to the PHP date limitation, via Perl. However, without spending the time going into details, I found the MT experience left me wanting. So, I will do without posting entries prior to 1970. (Not much happened in my life before that, anyhow, as I was only 5 years old, just diapers and bottles.)



    I downloaded WP 1.5 today and modified the datetime functions in the base to use adodb_date(), adodb_gmdate(), … etc. So far so good. Haven’t looked at the calendar but was planning to use Active Calendar (as a plugin) instead anyway.

    Base code to change is in function.php in the includes file. Need to include adodb-time.inc.php, which can be found at


    Good Luck …

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Oh, I missed this post. Can someone explain to me how to do this? I am not a coder, but I do take directions very well. ??

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