How to prepend parent post ID to uploaded file
I have a form using ACF fields where subscribers can create a custom post type (Paper) and an ACF upload field which subscribers can use to upload a PDF/Word document to a custom folder in the wp-content/uploads directory.
I need to add the ID of the parent (custom) post to the front of the file name, eg 435-this-is-my-file-name.pdf
I have managed to prepend a string ‘test’ which works, but I have no idea how to get the media item’s parent post ID. My current code is:
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file) { $file['name'] = 'test-' . $file['name']; return $file; }
I’m guessing it’s along the following lines, but this doesn’t seem to work.
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file) { //stuff to get parent post-id and prefix to file $parent_post_id if( isset($_REQUEST['post_id']) ) { $post_id = $_REQUEST['post_id']; } else { $post_id = false; } $file['name'] = $post_id'-' . $file['name']; return $file; }
Any pointers?
Hi @freelancealot! I think you might be looking for
. For me that appears to be available in thewp_handle_upload_prefilter
scope and points to the post number. I’m not sure if that’s available when working with ACF fields though.Thanks @aetherunbound. Do you mean that I would just swap $_REQUEST[‘post_id’] with $_REQUEST[‘post’]? Will give a try ?? and report back.
Perhaps some WordPress expert here can let me know if this statement is true, and if so, would making the CPT “hierarchical” => true fix that.
“Custom Post Types don’t store post_parent for attachments”
TracyYes, I did mean to replace
in your example. Did that end up working for you?For security reasons, you may also want to to verify that it’s a number (and not some malicious code) and verify that the post ID passed matches what was expected. You can do the number verification with
.For the matching ID check, you may need to use “nonces” to ensure that the request is valid:
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
Madison Swain-Bowden.
Hi @aetherunbound,
That did not work. Nothing gets prepended to the document name. My full code is:
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file) { // Get the parent post ID, if there is one if( isset($_REQUEST['post']) ) { $post_id = $_REQUEST['post']; } else { $post_id = false; } $file['name'] = $post_id . '-' . $file['name']; return $file; }
Does that look correct to you?
I am wondering if it’s to do with the issue I posted above ‘“Custom Post Types don’t store post_parent for attachments” and whether that is true.
To be honest the other stuff was right over my head. I am not a coder, just a snippet hacker ??
Once I get the media file’s parent post Id prepended to the file name, I can look at securing the code.
Cheers, and thanks for your time
TracyIs there no way to use $parent_id = $media->post_parent; or some such. I can’t believe it’s so difficult to get this ID ??
or $parent = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID );
Help, really need to get this working.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
I was able to add the post ID to the filename on regular post types with essentially the code you provided, so at least we can confirm that works. As for custom post types, I’m not sure. The answer you link does provide a potential solution that might work for your case:
add_filter( 'wp_insert_post', 'foo_insert_post'); function foo_insert_post( $post_id, $post, $update ){ //if this is cpt, go on if( 'your_cpt' === $post->post_type ){ //ref: wp-includes\media.php @ ~2648 //ref: add_filter( 'plupload_default_params', 'foo_plupload_config'); } } function foo_plupload_config($params){ global $post; //assign current post id $params['post_id'] = $post->ID; return $params; }
That might work for making the post ID available. One other thing you could do is spit out the contents of
to your WordPress log. I used the following to do that and see the content:ob_start(); var_dump($_REQUEST); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); error_log($content);
Hi, I added your exact code ob_start(); etc to my functions.php file and I get the following when visiting one of the CPT posts:
[22-Sep-2021 20:53:38 UTC] array(3) { ["p"]=> string(3) "481" ["post_type"]=> string(15) "submitted_paper" ["preview_id"]=> string(3) "481" }
481 is the correct post id as I’m visiting the CPT submitted_paper. But how does that help get it appended to the attachment file name?
You say you were successful with post ‘with essentially the code you provided’, was the code the same or not. If not, what was the difference and would it help my case?
The code from the other post did not work. I got a FATAL ERROR
Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function foo_insert_post()
So no luck yet.
Can’t believe no one else over all the years WordPress has been around hasn’t needed to do this ??
Thank you again for your time. Seems it’s an impossible thing to do with WordPress, which I think is a first for me.
TracyWhen I said essentially the code you provided, I meant that the only other logic I had was logging ?? Here’s the code in full, if you’re curious:
add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter( $file ) { ob_start(); var_dump(get_defined_vars()); var_dump($_REQUEST); $content = ob_get_contents(); var_dump($file); ob_end_clean(); error_log($content); error_log("===POST: " . $_REQUEST['post']); $file['name'] = $_REQUEST['post'] . "__" . $file['name']; error_log("===File name: " . $file['name']); return $file; }
Based on the output that you shared though, it looks like both
have the right post ID – could you try either of those instead of$_REQUEST['post']
? I am having trouble setting up a custom post type locally, so I can’t quite test this myself.Also tried the following but nothing got added to the file name:
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file){ if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['post'] ) ) { return $file; } $id = intval( $_REQUEST['post'] ); $parent_post = get_post( $id ); $post_ref = $parent_post; // change file name $file['name'] = $post_ref . '-' . $file['name']; // return return $file; }
Thanks for posting your code. So, I tried with the [‘p’]
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file) { // Get the parent post ID, if there is one if( isset($_REQUEST['p']) ) { $post_id = $_REQUEST['p']; } else { $post_id = false; } $file['name'] = $post_id . '-' . $file['name']; return $file; }
Nothing was prepended to the file name.
I can only assume that if this exact code works for you on standard WP posts, then it’s an issue with the parent-post id not being saved for the CPT attachment/media file.
I saw someone suggest to make the CPT hierarchy = true. But I would have thought that was just for making parent CPT posts, and would have no effect on the attachment/media.
Any suggestions?
TracyDarn! I’m curious, can you try adding the following code at the top of the function, and seeing what it outputs?
ob_start(); var_dump($_REQUEST); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); error_log($content);
I feel like there should be some information available in
that we can use!I had this:
add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'custom_upload_filter' ); function custom_upload_filter($file) { ob_start(); var_dump($_REQUEST); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); error_log($content); // Get the parent post ID, if there is one if( isset($_REQUEST['p']) ) { $post_id = $_REQUEST['p']; } else { $post_id = false; } $file['name'] = $post_id . '-' . $file['name']; return $file; }
Not sure that helped. It just outputted the ACF form info.
[22-Sep-2021 22:42:43 UTC] array(7) { ["_acf_screen"]=> string(9) "acfe_form" ["_acf_post_id"]=> string(3) "178" ["_acf_validation"]=> string(1) "1" ["_acf_form"]=> string(3216) "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" ["_acf_nonce"]=> string(10) "bc014bcd8c" ["_acf_changed"]=> string(1) "1" ["acf"]=> array(10) { ["field_60fcb14deabc3"]=> string(3) "178" ["field_60ff9358bc4bc"]=> string(1) "3" ["field_611adf4408e08"]=> string(1) "0" ["field_60ff41659b95c"]=> array(5) { ["field_60ff41c39b95d"]=> string(2) "Dr" ["field_60ff42299b95e"]=> string(4) "BAFA" ["field_60ff5705919dc"]=> string(13) "Admin" ["field_60ff4641ff47c"]=> string(15) "Some University" ["field_60ff5782919e0"]=> string(25) "[email protected]" } ["field_611aa6e1e2ec8"]=> string(1) "0" ["field_60fb3115564a6"]=> string(46) "Blimey how many test paper can one do in a day" ["field_60fb3180564a7"]=> string(19) "blah blah blah blah" ["field_60fb325d564a9"]=> string(0) "" ["field_60fb350d6e015"]=> string(119) "url=C%3A%5Cfakepath%5C2019%20Certificate%20of%20Attendance%20-%20Vincent%20Tawiah.pdf&size=70427&type=application%2Fpdf" ["field_610781f10cba3"]=> string(17) "22 September 2021" } }
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
My latest comment has been held for moderation. Don’t know why. Hopefully it will be posted. Basically the debug log outputted the info for the form filled out to create the CPT and included the file path.
Tracy -
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
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