How to prevent a user role from editing and deleting attachments?
I have a contributor user who can upload files into the media library.
That works, however I want to prevent this contributor user from editing and deleting even his/her own files which were uploaded to the media library.By default if I grant the upload_files capability to a contributor user, then this contributor user will be able to edit and delete the attachments created by this user. But I want to prevent that. Is it even possible?
I read this:
Currently, there’s a bug in core WordPress that prevents users from having only the create_posts or create_pages capability. You’ll need the edit_posts or edit_pages capability to go along with that.
Is is still true? I tried it, and unfortunately it doesn’t work. So I granted the create_posts capability to a contributor and denied the edit_posts and delete_posts capability, then the contributor won’t be able to edit and delete attachments, however then the add new post option will not work.
Basically I need someting like this:
So introduce the ‘edit_attachments’ and ‘delete_attachments’ capabilities separately for the attachment post types only, to separate these capabilities from the edit_posts in case of the attachment post type.
Is it possible with Members? If not, do you know a custom code which could do this?
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