Header background on sticky:
.tc-solid-color-on-scroll.sticky-enabled .tc-header {
background: inherit; /* will inherit the parent background*/
.tc-solid-color-on-scroll.sticky-enabled .tc-header {
background: #dd0000; /* red */
Change the normal header background:
header.tc-header {background: #dd0000; /*red*/}
more about colors
I want a sticky header but its size or logos should remain unaltered during scroll.
Logo is unaltered indeed
To avoid the shifting upward:
.sticky-enabled .navbar-wrapper { margin-top: 4px;}
.navbar .navbar-inner {margin-bottom: 19px;}
And if you want to keep also the border size:
.sticky-enabled .tc-header { border-bottom-width: 10px;}
play with these values.
It’s just about css…
hope this helps