The only way I was able to get the maps to display property was to create a separate page with the map on it and then that page into the JQuery tab through an iframe. I’m using the WP UI plugin for the tabs. You can see the result here:
Here is the code I put into the content box on that wordpress page:
[wptabs mode="horizontal"]
[wptabtitle] 2013 - All[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent][wpgmza id="1"][/wptabcontent]
[wptabtitle] Jan 2013[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent]<div style="overflow: hidden; width:900px; height:500px;"><iframe src="/jan-2013/#map" scrolling="no" style="width:900px; height:780px; border:0px; margin-left:-35px; margin-top:-270px; "></iframe></div>
[wptabtitle] Feb 2013[/wptabtitle] [wptabcontent][wpgmza id="3"][/wptabcontent]
It took a while to get the height and width positions such that only the map was showing through the iframe cutout.
I have to believe that if I had a Jan 2013, Feb 2013, Mar 2013 tab and did the same with all of them, it would be a rather slow-loading page. That’s a lot of extra header/footer/etc to load for 13 tabs. Caching or no caching.
A solution might be to create another sub-blog and strap a super-minimal theme to it that has pretty much no header/footer stuff and then put the maps on pages there and cut them through to the main map page via this iframe method.