• My dear friends,

    A small intro: I recently wrote quite an extensive paper about word of mouth marketing and business blogging. I’d like to share my findings with small and medium sized businesses in the Netherlands. I think a blog would be a great way to publish my writings, it could:

    – provide me with a easy way to get feedback from readers
    – give those busy readers a chance to read it part by part at times suitable for them
    – draw attention and traffic through search engines and Technorati

    Now, my paper is divided into 9 chapters, each chapter containing a number of subs.

    Example given:

    Chapter 1 – Introduction
    1.1 What is a blog
    1.2 Basic layout
    1.3 Bladidaa

    I’d like to add about a chapter a month to the blog, each month about 7 posts. I’ve already got the content, I’ll of course adjust parts of it to improve web readability but the outline is there. Basically the whole paper will be on there in 9 months.

    However, I’m wondering how I should structure my blog, and if this type of website is really that suitable. Sure enough people will visit the blog when I’m already half way chapter 6, it wouldn’t make much sense for them to start following the blog at that time.

    I could make categories similar like the Table of content of my paper and publish the posts in there. Clicking on a category would provide the reader with all the posts of that chapter, if I can order them chronologically they would follow the structure of my paper perfectly.

    My questions:

    • Are there any ideas about a way to publish a whole book/paper on a blog, adding content regularly but making sure new visitors will have a way to easily start reading from the beginning as well?
    • Is a blog a suitable way to publish this kind of content anyhow?
    • Anyone got any examples of other blogs, leading the way?
    • Thank you all!

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  • Hi Polle,

    I am looking to do something similar. Did you find a solution?


    I did something like this. Typically, posts are newest first, so, posting “chapters” results in:

    1.2 Basic layout
    1.1 What is a blog
    Chapter 1 – Introduction

    One can modify the index.php code to reverse sort, but for a blog that will have many posts over a year, say, readers will always be having to follow links to get to the latest posts.

    But, here is an easy alternative: Bookmark your chapters and create a Sidebar that lists the chapters in their proper order.

    1. Create a Blogroll category, say “Chapters” and note the category number assigned by WP (2 in this example).
    2. Create each Chapter post; they will be viewed in reverse order, but that’s okay.
    3. Modify the sidebar (you’ll need a theme with a sidebar, of course) like so:

     <?php wp_list_bookmarks('category=2'); ?>

    4. For each Chapter post create a new Blogroll (Add) Link, like “Capter 1,” “Chapter 2,” “Chapter 3.”

    When the site is viewed a list of Chapters should appear in the sidebar.

    Here is an example site: https://gajennings.net/words/stories/

    Where in the sidebar on the left is a similar list (although the header “Serials” is used rather than “Chapters”).

    Oh, yeah.

    If you want a relatively static site consisting of just a book, then ignore what I just said!

    WordPress can be used for a Book-like site real easy.

    Just post your chapters in reverse order.

    You can also the “Edit timestamp” feature to force the ordering of your posts if you want to “insert” a chapter or section.

    To keep it simple why not use the WP pages feature to keep it in order? rather that the blog “style”

    I think the simplest option is to post all book pages or “chapters” as regular posts to a specific category, then use something like:


    to alter the sort order of the posts in that category, either by reversing the normal order by date (from DESCending to ASCending), or by title if prefixing them with something like Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and so on.

    Here’s another, slightly different option – https://www.lostaddress.org/index.php/2008/01/07/writing-a-book-use-wordpress/ (blatant self promotion I’m afraid ?? )

    “You can also the “Edit timestamp” feature to force the ordering of your posts if you want to “insert” a chapter or section”
    I think you can use this approach.

    [sig moderated]

    I am setting up an archive for several writers, Which includes a number of multiple-chapter novels.

    My solution was to upload each chapter as a post, and use the https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/in-series/ plugin to manage them.

    For chapter with subchapters, set up each chapter as a series, and then tweak via the database to link them together.

    My front page is a table of contents that links to the first post in each series.

    My book-in-progress has all posts in ascending order, even the posts on category pages (chapters). This leaves the Pages free for other articles. No messing with date stamps, plug-ins, or returning to pages to insert links for each new chapter. As for return readers needing to click through all the way to the end, a “Recent Posts” widget in the sidebar should take care of that. You can see my site for an example (it’s a book with some adult content so if you’re easily offended, don’t say I didn’t warn you).

    Here’s how in detail:

    As in the WordPress FAQ (https://faq.wordpress.com/2006/11/04/how-to-write-a-book/), create a page called “Front” with a child page called “Index” (but no Chapter page since you’ll use categories for the chapters. And also, not everyone will write only one post per Chapter, as the WP FAQ assumes.). Like the FAQ says, go to the WP dashboard Options > Reading
    and make “front” the front of the blog but “index” have the posts. Copy the link from that “index” page and paste it into the “front” page with your introduction to the book. The link to the “index” page will show your entries, which are still in descending order for now, but we’ll fix that later.

    Next, in the WP dashboard Manage > Categories, create some chapters (mine just say Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.). That way, when you write a post, you can check the Chapter it belongs in from the Category box on the right in the Write Post page.

    Now, because of the blog structure, your book will show in descending order (latest posts first) unless you change some code in the PHP template files. In the WP dashboard Presentation > Theme Editor, select the Main Index Template. Just under the <?php get_header() ?> tag, insert this:

    <?php query_posts($query_string . “&order=ASC”); ?>

    Save and check to see if your blog now shows entries in ascending order. Depending on your theme, you may have links at the end of your main page pointing forward to “Next Entries” and back to “Earlier Entries,” and now they are backwards! If so, go back to the “Main Index” template again and scroll down to find the instructions under the <div id=”nav-below” class=”navigation”> tags:

    You’ll notice some text alluding to “next” and “previous” entries. You can cut and paste to make them swap places with each other within the tags. In my template, I swapped ‘« Previous posts’ and ‘Next posts »’ and then swapped “nav-next” with “nav-previous”. Here’s how it looks now:

    <div class=”nav-previous”><?php previous_posts_link(__(‘« Previous posts’, ‘blogtxt’)) ?></div>
    <div class=”nav-next”><?php next_posts_link(__(‘Next posts »’, ‘blogtxt’)) ?></div>

    Save. Check your blog to see that it works.

    But wait! The chapters, if you saved them as Categories, still show latest entries first. So….

    Go back to the Theme Editor and select the “Archives” (NOT “Archives Page”) template, and repeat the above steps.

    I hope it works for you, too!

    You should try CommentPress. Exactly what you’re looking for.

    commentpress looks good but i’m a beginner and can’t figure out how to tweak it for my needs. if anyone here does inexpensive projects like that let me know!

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