here’s what I just tried:
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
the_post_thumbnail(array(70, 102));
This will get the latest 10 books, it’s supposed to get one book.
What could be wrong?
1. Several query_posts on this page? some conflict?
2. I use a plugin to regisger new post_types… is there any option that I need to set to true/false?
This is a for a featured section on a books website:
1. I setup the backend where the user can select the books from a drop down and pick which one they want to be featured on the main page.
2. Then I save this in “options”. Just the post IDs. So it would look like something 2,5,10,1,11
Then on the front page I get_option and break it into an array:
array[0] = 2
array[1] = 5
and so on…
And finally I could either do a query to query each post with a foreach loop
Or I could use post__in (which is what I’m doing right now)
the only problem with post__in is that it get’s my array and once it returns the values from the database it spits out in alphabetical or numerical order.
so my array is 2,5,10,1,11
the have_posts loops spits out 11,10,5,2,1
I haven’t tried your solution for the post__in above.. will see if that works