Be more specific. What is your desired redirection scheme? What do you want to redirect from to where?
From your description it is not clear if you want to redirect those posts from your domain to another or inside your domain?
Assuming most common scenario, when migrating site to another script or addressing pattern, your domain stays the same. Only post names change. If change is consistent, it is not difficult to do.
i.e. if you want to redirect
/old-post-10.html to /new-post-10.html
/old-post-11.html to /new-post-11.html
/old-post-11.html to /new-post-12.html
/old-post-….html to /new-post-….html
where the only thing changing is post name. You can do this placing this in .htaccess
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/old-post-.*$
RewriteRule /old-post-(.*) /new-post$1 [L,R=301,NC]
This mostly happens when you change your category name i.e from New to Announcements. Then
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/category/news/.*$
RewriteRule /category/news/(.*) /category.announcements/$1 [L,R=301,NC]
does the job.
Hope it helps. If you need more help, be more specific in description.