• Following this Elementor documentation > found here I set some theme styles which now I want to completely get rid of to just use the colours I set with the theme in customizer.

    I have disabled ‘Default Colors’ & ‘Default Font’s in the settings but that hasn’t cleared it and when I inspect the element in the console, I can see it’s still pulling the css from body.elementor-kit-661.

    It’s driving me up the wall! Any help would be greatly appreciated <3

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  • Good question ! I also need to do the same as i have conflits with my theme… ! Thanks

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by sygno.

    Same here. No solution to this?

    Thread Starter rochb


    I found the only way to clear it was overwriting it with Additional CSS. I simply found the offending colors and set my own with the important tag, a rubbish way of doing it I’m sure but it worked for me.



    The OP says he set Elementor to use theme colours, which is what I’ve done too, so why is it even still outputting this CSS?



    Cool reply Elementor team!

    Meanwhile, I have Elementor set to use my theme colours, but it’s still outputting all this nonsense:

    .elementor-kit-77844 {
    –e-global-color-primary: #6EC1E4;
    –e-global-color-secondary: #54595F;
    –e-global-color-text: #7A7A7A;
    –e-global-color-accent: #61CE70;
    –e-global-typography-primary-font-family: “Roboto”;
    –e-global-typography-primary-font-weight: 600;
    –e-global-typography-secondary-font-family: “Roboto Slab”;
    –e-global-typography-secondary-font-weight: 400;
    –e-global-typography-text-font-family: “Roboto”;
    –e-global-typography-text-font-weight: 400;
    –e-global-typography-accent-font-family: “Roboto”;
    –e-global-typography-accent-font-weight: 500;

    #metoo. i tried elementors style kits to allow me to do some basic, obviously needed, control over font styles, not possible within Ele Pro. HUGE MISTAKE !! I still didnt have sensible control over font styles, so i removed the kit plugin…

    Now i too have War And Peace size css code on almost every element, causing conflicts, loss of control, etc. What a mess !!!!!!!

    I am using Elementor Pro for just ONE page of a site that otherwise does not use a page-builder, just wp classic and block editors. But EP injects its css classes into *every* pages of the site, even if the page does not use Elementor. What a joke. So I need to either:
    – remove EP’s css classes from my non-EP pages, or
    – remove EP’s css file(s) from loading on my non-EP page

    Anonymous User 16358193


    It’s ridiculous that Elementor do this. Another reason to find an alternative!

    I resolved this with PHP that removes from the body tag the particular Elementor CSS class that delivers all the unwanted global styles.


    There are surely better approaches, but this worked for me.
    Be sure to change the “695” number in the CSS class to the one on your site.
    This should really just be a plugin. Maybe I’ll do that soon.

    This worked for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6oyjx-5UUk

    I could not stop Elementor styling buttons that had nothing to do with Elementor, until I disabled the ‘kit’ using this method.

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