Yea there’s a way to do that as well. Check out the following CSS snippet:
.singular-post-22 .featured-image {
display: none;
What I’ve done is added “-22” to the “singular-post” class, and that makes it so it only hides the featured image on the post with an ID of 22.
So to use this on your site, you’ll first want to find the ID of the post you want to hide the image for. We have a quick tutorial you can follow here if you’re not sure how to do that.
Once you have the ID, copy and paste the above snippet into the Custom CSS section, and update the number. For instance, if the post has an ID of 313, the snippet should look like this:
.singular-post-313 .featured-image {
display: none;
You can repeat this for any posts you want to hide the featured image on.