yes, it’s possible to modify the names dynamically. You may try:
1) Advanced > General > Templates > Flag template:
< l i class="prisna-gwt-language-container prisna-gwt-language-{{ language_code }}">
< a href = " javascript:;" on click="PrisnaGWT.translate('{{ language_code }}'); return false;" title="{{ language_name }}">{{ language_name }}</ a >
</ l i >
* Remove the spaces in the tags. HTML markup gets truncated if written correctly.
2) Advanced > General > Javascript callbacks > On after load:
var TranslatorLoader = {
change: function() {
jQuery(".prisna-gwt-language-es a").text("Espa?ol");
jQuery(".prisna-gwt-language-de a").text("Deutsche");
testLoaded: function() {
var container = jQuery(".prisna-gwt-flags-container");
if (container.length > 0)
setTimeout(TranslatorLoader.testLoaded, 100);
* Notice the code lines that set the Spanish and German languages names to Espa?ol and Deutsche respectively. You may change other languages names in the same way.
3) Advanced > General > Custom CSS:
.prisna-gwt-language-container {
list-style: none !important;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 2px 0 0 !important;
padding: 0 !important;
border: none !important;
.prisna-gwt-language-container a {
color: #444;