• Resolved Ian H


    Every plugin related page on my site contains a “better robots.txt pro upgrade” and “please give better robots.txt a fie star review” text boxes. These appear even on configuration pages for plugins not related to better robots.txt. I keep clicking on the crosses and they disappear only to reappear next time I open a plugin-related page. This is not only very annoying, but it must be against the accepted behaviours for plugins to advertise on other plugin’s configuration pages. Please tell me how to remove them permanently, and please desist from placing them again!!

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  • Plugin Author Pagup



    Thank you for contacting our support …

    We are very perplex about this issue as these notifications, once dismissed, are not supposed to display again for 4 months (at least).

    We would recommend to go to “Better Robots.txt setting page”, click on “Delete settings after uninstall”, uninstall Better Robots.txt then reinstall it. It may help !

    About the fact that these notifications appear on top of several other pages, it’s actually not specific to our plugin. It must probably be the case of many others as cache plugin, etc. Meaning that it is not the result of a particular will on our part.

    If you still have issue, please contact us at [email protected].

    Please let us know.

    Have a great day.


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