• I want to remove “Powered by WordPress. Theme: Accelerate by ThemeGrill” from footer. I checked many topics on this forum, but none of them are working for me. I tried pasting`.powered {
    }` in CSS but did not work. I also searched for something like powered by wordpress in footer.php and functions.php but did not found it. However in inc/functions.php i found following code.

    add_action( 'accelerate_footer_copyright', 'accelerate_footer_copyright', 10 );
     * function to show the footer info, copyright information
    if ( ! function_exists( 'accelerate_footer_copyright' ) ) :
    function accelerate_footer_copyright() {
    	$site_link = '<a href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '" ><span>' . get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) . '</span></a>';
    	$wp_link = '<a href="'.esc_url( 'https://www.ads-software.com' ).'" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr__( 'WordPress', 'accelerate' ) . '"><span>' . __( 'WordPress', 'accelerate' ) . '</span></a>';
    	$tg_link =  '<a href="'.esc_url( 'https://themegrill.com/themes/accelerate' ).'" target="_blank" title="'.esc_attr__( 'ThemeGrill', 'accelerate' ).'" rel="designer"><span>'.__( 'ThemeGrill', 'accelerate') .'</span></a>';
    	$default_footer_value = sprintf( __( 'Copyright ? %1$s %2$s.', 'accelerate' ), date( 'Y' ), $site_link ).' '.sprintf( __( 'Powered by %s.', 'accelerate' ), $wp_link ).' '.sprintf( __( 'Theme: %1$s by %2$s.', 'accelerate' ), 'Accelerate', $tg_link );
    	$accelerate_footer_copyright = '<div class="copyright">'.$default_footer_value.'</div>';
    	echo $accelerate_footer_copyright;

    Can someone tell which code i gotta delete.
    I am using accelerate theme. Website url – balconygardenweb.com

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