Hi @renovomotors,
The text displayed on the checkout side bar is added by Widgets misplaced by WordPress. This usually only happens in some cases when switching between themes.
To fix this issue, you can follow the instructions on our documentation about the feature Trust Symbols, but instead of adding widgets you would be looking to remove them.
Alternatively, you could also disable the widget areas in the checkout page.
Unfortunately it is not possible (and not recommended) to remove the logo from the checkout page when using the distraction-free header template on the checkout page as the customer would have a hard time to understand if they are in the correct checkout page.
In the Fluid Checkout plugin settings, you can change the logo to be displayed on the checkout page, or you can choose to use the original site header template provided with your theme.
I’m closing this ticket for now. If you need further assistance related to this issue, simply reply to this message to re-open it.