I saw your other message, looks like a moderator removed it.
This is a volunteers forum where most people give their time freely, I’m not the developer of this theme. I will of course try to help the best I can.
First off though, why do you want to remove the files?
Trying to reduce HTTP requests or something?
I downloaded the theme and took a quick look at the code, there is a method on line 74 called register_scripts and the CSS is registered there using wp_register_style. The file:
You could edit directly although it’s probably best not to (for updates to the theme in the future) so you could use wp_deregister_style to remove them:
main.css is also registered in the same file in a method called enqueue_scripts around line 143
The handle is radar-bootstrap and then radar-main, Justin wrote a great article a while back that will help you to deregister:
Hope this helps.