• Hello, I’m using WordPress to create a website, and I do not intend to use it for blogging, so I don’t want the comment box at the bottom of my pages. How can I remove this completely from all of my pages?

    Thanks so much!

    – Miles

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Go into the template that’s showing it, if on all pages I’m assuming in footer.php or sidebar.php, and comment it out or remove it.
    Ensure you do this as a child-theme.

    how long have you spend with the forum search ‘Remove the Comment Box’ ?
    or to get familiar with the dashboard options and settings?

    generally, try to exhaust the settings first:

    dashboard – settings – discussion

    (this will only effect posts and pages made after the changes)

    dashboard – pages – all pagesquickedit below each page title, untick ‘allow comments’

    same for posts

    or while editing/creating a page, click the ‘screen options’ tab near the top right; tick ‘discussion’ – this will open a field below the page editor where you can untick ‘allow comments’.
    same for posts.

    only if this still leaves comment related output in the pages, try to edit page.php of your theme and remove the line with the comments_template() code.

    details depend on the used theme of which we have got no information.

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