• It’s annoying that everytime I login, I have to wait for a while for it to load the content of the dashboard (and sometime when WordPress is a little busy, it like waiting forever!). Is there any way to remove the dashboard from the admin interface? Or is there anyway to go directly to the “Write” section after logging in instead of Dashboard?

    The Dashboard in my opinion is not useful because everyone who use WordPress 1.5 will frequently check www.ads-software.com for new update.

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  • Interesting thread. Thanks for the infos. =)


    I wanted to remove the dashboard completely, and go to the posting page by default. I used a combination of some of the methods above – here’s how I did it:

    1) Edited wp-admin/menu.php and changed line 7 to:

    $menu[0] = array(__('Dashboard'), 11, 'index.php');

    …so nobody has sufficient permission to view the Dashboard menu item. It is permanently removed from the menu.

    2) Edited wp-login.php:

    changed line 159 from

    $redirect_to = 'wp-admin/';
    $redirect_to = 'wp-admin/post.php';

    3) Deleted index.php

    4) Created a new index.php containing just the following:

    header('Location: post.php');

    …so anyone reaching the admin area via https://mysite.com/wp-admin/ also gets directed straight to the posting page.


    Catching up to the tail of this issue…

    I’ve been on this whole “login lag”/”dashboard delay” issue for a while. Bugs the living crap outta me. I see that little timer at the bottom go from “0.029 Seconds” to “18.09 Seconds”. Extremely frustrating and annoying.

    So here’s a plugin:

    Login Delay Stopgap

    This plugin will hook into the shutdown action to update the three feeds (technorati, WP Dev, and WP Planet) every ten minutes so that when you login it’s already cached and ready to go.

    “Oh noes,” you say, “but then my users get a 20second load time!” No, actually, because I tie into the “shutdown” hook, the feed update only happens *after* the data is sent to your visitors.

    Also, I set it up so that this plugin runs no more than once every ten minutes (this way, high traffic sites won’t worry about their copy of MagPie fetching 3 rss feeds for every single visitor.)

    Source to Login Delay Stopgap

    2) Edited wp-login.php:

    changed line 159 from

    $redirect_to = ‘wp-admin/’;
    $redirect_to = ‘wp-admin/post.php’;

    Now what happens when a user registers? Doesn’t that user also get redirected to post.php (or worse)?



    Would it not be possible to comment out or delete the dashboard line in the menu.php file?

    WOW thanks, my main concern with this topic is to get rid of the dashboard for Normal Users only. They can care less about development, plus it is only confusing and loosing the whole reason for my art blog. I would love to custom fit it for a user vs. admin purposes for us.

    The plug in above from cameroon is the BEST solution for this topic, Thanks a million for this as it works real well so far in admin mode, still have not tested the user mode yet…

    This thread was very helpful to me. Big thanks to you all. The only thing I didn’t see covered was the fact that “Site Admin” still links directly to the index.php file (Dashbard). You can circumvent this by creating a new index file, as cdr suggested (which is still a good idea), but I found that link inside “template-functions-general.php” in the /wp-includes folder.

    You can just change that link to point to profile.php instead, and that should take care of all references to the index. As a bonus, you can also change the text “Site Admin” to whatever you want. I choose “My Account.”

    Again, thanks all!

    The Dashboard in my opinion is not useful because everyone who use WordPress 1.5 will frequently check www.ads-software.com for new update.

    They will? o_O Dunno about you, but the only time I visit the new site is when a new version is released…

    Well, I have to agree that the dashboard is not very useful to most users (the way it is setup now).

    Sure, for us (developers) it is nice to keep up-to-date with WordPress, but 99% of my users know nothing about code, development, etc. and couldn’t care less about the latest developments. All they care about is being able to use the site they are on.

    I think it would be nice if there were customizable settings for the dashboard in the options menu for level 10 users, and that one could define who gets access to the dashboard. For me (and probably most), it is enough that only levels 9 and 10 can see it, while others may appreciate giving all users access.

    I think most users are only confused by it as most of the contents there are completely irrelevent to your blog.

    On the other hand, the small box that shows stats for your blog is very nice, but that’s almost an afterthought in the dashboard. If the dashboard page was more focused on the specific blog you were on, rather than www.ads-software.com, I think it would be useful for more people.

    Is there a way to remove the dashboard and go directly to write post on wordpress 2.0?

    Hmm. Well, they’re separate requests really. Going directly to write post can be handled a couple of ways: either make yourself a direct link to it from wherever’s most convenient for you; or dink about in the core files with the redirect calls.

    As to dashboard: this is the entire wp-admin/index.php for my installs:

    https://pastebin.com/507434 (check it there, it’s a bit too long for here)

    Hey thanks for that Vkaryl – I was just about to start messing around with mine; yours is a big help!

    It does no go directly to the write post. but the content of dashboard is remvoed when i pasted the code in there. is there any other setting i have to do?

    yep – Vkaryl’s edit only streamlines the dashboard. Check out the other posts in this thread to do that.

    Now – what I would REALLY like to figure out is to have WordPress return to whatever page I was on when I decide to log in (I have a login link on most pages).

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