• Hey @braekling

    When I use the “default tracking” option, the plugin inserts a snippet of javascript, typically in the footer. First three lines shown here:

    !-- Matomo -->?
    <script type="text/javascript">?
      var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [];?

    While that works perfectly fine, it still triggers a single warning when validating html:

    Warning: The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.
    <script type="text/javascript">

    For details see: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?showsource=yes&doc=https%3A%2F%2Foldrup.dk%2F#l416c31

    Since this is the only warning I get, I’m obviously interested in getting rid of it. I can enter the tracking code manually, leaving out the “type=text/javascript”, but it’s much less error prone, using the built in default tracking.

    Would you consider removing the unnecessary type attribute from the default code, or could you hint a code line in the plugin, where I could change it myself?

    All the best

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author braekling


    Hi @oldrup,

    the tracking code is delivered by the Matomo API, already including the type attribute, see this example: https://demo.matomo.cloud/?module=API&method=SitesManager.getJavascriptTag&idSite=1&piwikUrl=&format=xml&token_auth=anonymous

    But I understand that you want to get rid of this message. The best way would be to ask the Matomo team to update the tracking code, beside this I can add an option to remove the attribute with the next update I’m currently preparing.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    He @braekling

    I totally respect if the matomo team chooses to leave in the old code to support e.g. IE8 users, although I don’t really think it benefits neither site owners nor or users.

    So if “…beside this I can add an option to remove the attribute with the next update I’m currently preparing.” – is a real possibility, I would definitely applaud it and gladly help out beta testing a new update should you wish so.

    A great weekend everyone ??

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    FYI there is a GitHub discussion here as well ?? https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/issues/17281

    For anyone interested in a temporary workaround, this snippet added to functions.php filters out the type attributes from the HTML output, effectively allowing to pass w3c validation (unless there are other issues of course)

    /* Snippet seeks to remove the remaining warnings when validating HTML on w3c.org:
       Warning: The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.
       Warning: The type attribute for the style element is not needed and should be omitted.
    add_action( 'template_redirect', function(){
    	ob_start( function( $buffer ){
    		$buffer = str_replace( array( ' type="text/css"', " type='text/css'" ), '', $buffer );
    		$buffer = str_replace( array( ' type="text/javascript"', " type='text/javascript'" ), '', $buffer );        
    		return $buffer;

    The search/replace of the entire output is bound to have some performance costs, but I have not been able to measure any noticeable difference on the front end. Ideally, the type attribute is left out in the first place.

    All the best,

    Plugin Author braekling


    1.0.25 contains the functionality to remove the type attribute (in expert settings). The update will be available soon.

    Thread Starter Bjarne Oldrup


    Now ain’t that pretty ??


    Just as the new graphs.

    Nice work @braekling ??

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