Hi @wd69,
Indeed from the PMS Account form the users with expired membership will have the option to manually Renew their subscription by clicking on the “Renew” button.
Now, the message “You do not have any subscriptions attached to your account. To purchase a subscription, you can?click here.” only appears if the user has abandoned their subscription or maybe an Administrator abanadoned or mauanlly deleted that subscription for them.
<span style=”color: rgb(49, 67, 81); font-family: "Aktiv Grotesk", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space-collapse: collapse;”>Let me explain the difference between the Cancel and Abandon buttons:</span>
When the user clicks Cancel, no further payments will be made for that subscription and it will expire at its due date. The user continues to have access to what the subscription offers until the expiration date<span style=”color: rgb(49, 67, 81); font-family: "Aktiv Grotesk", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space-collapse: collapse;”>.</span>?With this, the user has the option to manually renew after the subscription expires.
<span style=”color: rgb(49, 67, 81); font-family: "Aktiv Grotesk", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; white-space-collapse: collapse;”> </span>When the user clicks?Abandon, the subscription is deleted from their account and the user will?stop having access to what the subscription offers immediately.
As for the “click here” link to redirect to the page from where users with abandoned subscriptions can purchase new ones, you will need to go to Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings -> General -> “Membership Pages” section -> and in the “Registration” setting you will need to choose the page where you’ve added the PMS Registration form.
Best regards,