• I’d like to have my site set up so that, after a user creates or updates a post, they are returned to the non-editing view of that post. I can’t quite figure out how to do this; I’d assume that add_action and wp_after_insert_post are likely to be involved, but I can’t quite get there.

    Here is what is probably a really bad idea:

    function sf_change_post_destination( $post_id, $post_after, $post_before ) {
        	$the_url = get_home_url() . "/?p=" . $post_id;
        	wp_redirect( $the_url );
        add_action( 'wp_after_insert_post', 'sf_change_post_destination' , 10000, 3);

    This *seems to* work; the idea is to use a very high priority value in the add_action() call so that it should be the last action to run. But, of course, the exit call (required for this to “work”) terminates the update process, and who knows what essential things are getting cancelled because of it. So, bad idea. But is there a better one? Any advice? Thanks!

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  • Hi @jrmatwpress

    You are right in thinking that as soon as you terminate the current request and issue a redirect, something essential might not get a chance to run. But think about what that essential bit can be? And unless, you know, it is alright to make that change, and come back to it when something you know is affected.

    From what I can say, there isn’t anything specific that should run and won’t get a chance to run. Core by default isn’t doing anything essential as it shuts down. Only you can determine what your unique setup is like and whether an important bit that you need to happen is going to be missed. But I can speak from experience, most likely not. Hence, it is OK to terminate and issue a redirect.

    Alternatively, you can also issue a redirect later on, through JavaScript once the page has loaded completely. Not smooth but works. You can also try to issue a redirect very late in PHP execution, though you risk some output (a PHP warning or some content displayed) which would prevent the redirection from working. For this approach, consider attaching very late to the shutdown hook – https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/hooks/shutdown/

    If it was to me, I would simply terminate and issue a redirect, but now you know all the options ??

    Thread Starter jrmatwpress


    Thanks for the thoughts. I haven’t seen any problems on my dev site, so I’ll give it a try in production, and see if anything shows up. I’ll report back if anything does.

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