• I have enjoyed using this plugin and have successfully embedded both power bi reports and power bi tiles into wordpress pages using the plugin’s created shortcodes.

    We now have a need to change an embedded tile’s slicer from our web page. I’ve been trying my best to learn from some of the filter posts in this plugin support area from a few years ago but the referenced links were deprecated and it doesn’t seem I am understanding the Microsoft documentation for Power BI embedded analytics Client APIs.

    I have a script in the webpage HTML head to change the embedded tile when a time intelligence field is selected on the webpage (WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD) and a report refresh button is clicked. When I select and click, the original embedded tile disappears, I see the power bi logo pulsing and a new tile is embedded but unfortunately with the same data as before and the column header is now green. I want the data to change based on the slicer selection and no color changes to the slicer header.

    Here is the javascript I am using:

    // javascript code for refreshing the tile
    function handleSlicerRefresh(event) {
        event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submission
    // Get the selected slicer value
    var selectedValue =    document.querySelector('input[name="time_intelligence"]:checked').value;
    console.log("this is the time intelligence selected", selectedValue);
    // Create the variable slicers object based on the selected slicer value
    var slicers = [{
       selector: {
          $schema: "https://powerbi.com/product/schema#visualSelector",
          visualName: "8daccedca2c143033cda"}, // taken from slicer visual 
       state: {
          filters: [{
          $schema: "https://powerbi.com/product/schema#basic",
          target: {
              table: "Time Intelligence", //table name in report
              column: "name"}, // field/column name
          operator: "=",
          values: [selectedValue]
    console.log("this is the slicer", slicers);
    // Get pageURL as the iFrame src="url here" in the elements and layout of developer console.  Find container and drill down to find iframe
    var pageURL = "https://app.powerbi.com/embed?dashboardId=<enter dashboardID>&amp;tileId=<enter tileID>&amp;groupId=<enter groupID>&amp;language=en&amp;formatLocale=en&amp;uid=gwuw1";
    console.log("this is the pageURL", pageURL);
    // Create the relatedURL with the filters attached
    var relatedURL = pageURL + "?slicers=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(slicers));
                console.log("this is the relatedURL ", relatedURL);
    // Get the embedded tile iframe element
    var embeddedTile = document.getElementById('tile_shortcode').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
    // Update the src attribute of the iframe with the relatedURL
    embeddedTile.src = relatedURL;

    I have a div id=’tile_shortcode’ in my html where I embed the original shortcode successfully.

    I’m not really understanding the concept in the example provided by the plugin documentation for changing the slicer by appending the URL. I’ve been assuming the pageURL is the src for the iFrame. When I use the actual https://website-name.com/embedded-tile/ web page URL, I get the whole entire page embedded inside the iFrame with the headings, text and form selectors.

    I feel like I’m almost there. I get successful console logs. I just don’t know how to use the var relatedURL to update the embedded tile. Hopefully someone has updated instruction to assist me. Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter wpkom23



    My real question is can someone provide more examples in the documentation or within this support area of how to use this plugin in conjunction with the Power Bi clientside Javascript API’s so we can take this to the next level? I want to control the Power BI report from outside of the iframe and do things like click a button to download the report image or click a button to download the filtered report’s data or click a refresh button and have an AJAX refresh the report with the selected filters.

    I’ve figured out how to use the /?filters= in order to filter the embedded report but I have not been successful in doing any other clientside scripts. I am having a real hard time understanding the Power Bi clientside javascript api’s to be able to do more.

    Please help, thank you.

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