• Resolved ermphd


    I have my blog @ https://edwardmartino.com and just started an online portfolio in a subdom @ portfolio.edwardmartino.com I am on a dedicated Winserver 2003. After uploading the portfolio as a standard website template created via Artisteer, I realized that I could run the portfolio as a WP instance with pages for the links to work samples.
    I just tested the same template as a WP Theme from Artisteer and the content links work fine.

    My concern is that if I install another WP in the Subdomain, I don’t want it to use the same MSQL instance so I can keep the backups separate. Any suggestions?

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  • Just use a new database for the second install.

    Thread Starter ermphd


    I install through a Plesk panel which chooses the DB and other under the hood issues. I do have access to PHP Myadmin. Not sure how to tell Plesk to change the DB before the fact?

    I’m afraid you’d need to ask your hosts about this.

    Thread Starter ermphd


    Thinking it through a bit more. I was being lazy. I have RDC to the server and can DL and install manually. Something I need to learn anyway. Thks for input. Have gr8 rest of day!

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