• Resolved pembo13


    I’m working with a custom post type (rtcl_listing) and two custom taxonomies (rtcl_category, rtcl_location). I can see the terms set on a given post (show_in_rest = true) but I cannot figure our how to update the terms to new ones via the API.

    I can query the list of terms, etc via the custom tax endpoints. I just want to know how update the custom tax on a given post.

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  • Thread Starter pembo13


    Developer error. But for anyone looking: add a attribute to the JSON object based on the tax key and pass it a value of IDs

    Can you kindly post an example?

    payload = {
        "title": 'TITLE',
        "content": 'CONTENT',
        'rtcl_category': [10],

    Like this?

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