• Hi ,
    Actually i wanted to share an experience with others here about this plugin, i thought it might be useful.

    I had only a problem with this plugin and it was about those files that I just made them accessible for members of the blog

    As you know if you set the download access just for members (while you creating file package) , they need to login and then they are able to download the file(s) , So download manager will redirect them to the login page if they are not logged in yet and then again will redirect them to the referred post to let them proceed for downloading the file, and by default the login page is set as (“wp-admin/login.php”), So what if we have a customized login page , for example if we use Theme-My-login plugin ? ?

    in this case wp-admin/login.php is disabled ! so it gives 404 error for login page and everything gets stock ! and users wont be able to download easily …

    it’s kinda simple to solve this problem,

    Just edit the plugin


    search for


    you will find 4 different part with same link then change them to your login page address !

    For example my login page is at


    and i changed the address to just /log-in? , and it works very fine ??

    REMEMBER, Every time you update the plugin , you should do the same thing.

    At the end , I have to say, Thanks a lot, and congratulations for the very useful tool and If you guys can add this option in the setting part, it would help a lot .


    Ashkan (Global Download)


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  • Fantastic tip, THANK YOU!

    The one note I’d make is that (in version 2.5.96 of Download Manager, at least), that instead of searching for and replacing “wp-admin/login.php?”, I found & replaced:


    The following may be more complex than most users want to get involved with, but if you’re using Theme My Login, you can remove Download Manager’s redirect in favor of setting “Referrer” redirects within Theme My Login (it’s set within the WP Admin Area > TML > Redirection).

    Since we’re using Theme My Login’s referrer redirection, we complete rewrote the Download Manager lines to remove the redirect portion.

    For example, on line 175 of v2.5.96, I replaced:

    $url = get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];


    $url = get_option('siteurl')."/my-login-slug-here/";
    (where “my-login-slug-here” should be the page slug for your login page)

    On line 233 of version 2.5.96, a different format is used, so I replaced:

    $matches[1][$i] = "<a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' style=\"background:url


    $matches[1][$i] = "<a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/login/' style=\"background:url

    Similar changes were needed on lines 377, 670, and 701 in version 2.5.96. Be careful of maintaining valid code when doing this!

    Version 2.5.97 came out the same day I detailed the changes above.
    For version 2.5.97, the changes are as follows:

    -Line 175-
    Change FROM:

    $url = get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];


    $url = get_option('siteurl')."/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE/";

    -Line 233-
    Change FROM:

    $matches[1][$i] = "<a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' style=\"background:url('".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/l24.png') no-repeat;padding:3px 12px 12px 28px;font:bold 10pt verdana;\">".$wpdm_login_msg."</a>";


    $matches[1][$i] = "<a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE/".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' style=\"background:url('".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/l24.png') no-repeat;padding:3px 12px 12px 28px;font:bold 10pt verdana;\">".$wpdm_login_msg."</a>";

    -Line 377-
    Change FROM:

    $template = "<li class=\"file ext_$ext\"><a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' >{$data['title']}<small> (login to download)</small></a></li>";


    $template = "<li class=\"file ext_$ext\"><a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE/' >{$data['title']}<small> (login to download)</small></a></li>";

    -Line 630-
    Change FROM:

    $template = "<li><div class='wpdm_clink' style='{$bg}'><a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' >$data[title]</a></b><br/><small>login to download</small></div></li>";


    -Line 701-
    Change FROM:

    $template = "<li><div class='wpdm_clink' style='{$bg}'><a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-login.php?redirect_to=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."' >$data[title]</a></b><br/><small>login to download</small></div></li>";


    $template = "<li><div class='wpdm_clink' style='{$bg}'><a href='".get_option('siteurl')."/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE/' >$data[title]</a></b><br/><small>login to download</small></div></li>";

    Thread Starter Ash2ash


    Hi ,
    Thanks for the update, great job , But there are 2 things that i ask you to kindly update on this post if you think that i’m correct ,
    1st thing is for line 175 you suggested to change it to :

    $url = get_option(‘siteurl’).”/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE/”;

    but i guess this one is better :

    $url = get_option(‘siteurl’).”/YOUR-LOGIN-SLUG-HERE?redirect_to=”.$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’];

    and it’s because, if we change it to the one you have said , after login it redirects users to their profile page not the post page that required login to proceed for download.

    2nd thing, I guess you forgot to add the change for the line 630 (ACTUALLY 629), which i guess we should change the wp-login? to LOGIN-SLUG? .

    other than these changes the rest is perfect and i gotta say you guys done a great job …

    With thanks for your kind and sorry for being to talkative ??

    YES. That is completely accurate for a standard usage.
    My instructions (just like my original notes) are for use in conjunction with Theme My Login. I noted that in my first post and forgot to mention it in the second post (and no I cannot edit that post). My apologies for the oversight.

    Plugin Author Shahjada


    don’t worry, with v2.6 we are going to keep an option to select login page url ??

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