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  • Hi Silvo:

    Thanks so much for your quick response.

    Ninety-nine percent of the time my posts have one photograph, and in the past the thumbnail is always the photograph inserted with the text.

    However, on my last post, Rick Shaffer New Video ? “Some Say” – – when the link is posted on other websites, it has three thumbnail choices. The first is a piece of the banner at the top of the page, and the second and third option is the photo inserted in the post.

    I always want to use the photo inserted in the post because it’s very relevant to the post content. But I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find an option to make the inserted photo the only thumbnail.

    Is there a way?


    Hey Theresa, thanks for the extra explanation, appreciate it!

    To which sites are you trying to share your blog posts to?

    Because I tried to share your last four blog posts via Facebook and all the correct images were suggested as a thumbnail for those posts.

    Here are a couple of screenshots with a couple of your posts that I tried to share via FB and all of them displayed the correct thumbnail:


    Also — I haven’t been able to notice that you have our plugin installed on that blog, so I’m not exactly sure what has our service to do with the problem in question.

    Or am I missing something out? Let me know, I’m eager to hear more about this issue! Take care & I’m looking forward to your reply!


    Hi Silvo:

    It’s only happening to me on your #1 example, the others were fine when I posted them. That’s why I’m so boggled about this last post.

    I just posted it again on Facebook, and following is the screenshot I just took – file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/Word%20Press%20-%20Some%20Say%20Screenshot.jpg

    As you can see, it’s grabbing a piece of the banner as the thumbnail.

    And, you’re right I have no plug-ins on my blog.

    Your help is appreciated.


    Hey Theresa, thanks for getting back to me, appreciate it, although I’m not able to see that screenshot, since it’s not published nowhere online, but rather locally, on your hard drive. Any chance you would send it to me via email?

    Here’s my email address: support[at]zemanta[dot]com

    Have you also tried to ask for some support from the team (since this is a plugin directory page — another blogging platform that you are using)?

    Or maybe the Facebook support team could know more, since this hasn’t got much to do with our service? Here are some useful links where you could get more technical help about the issue you’re experiencing:


    Let me know if you have any more questions regarding our service or if there’s anything else that’s not completely clear, since I’ll gladly help! Take care & have a nice day!



    I’ll send the screenshot via e-mail right after I send this reply.

    I looked all over all the Word Press Help options, and throughout my posting settings, and finally asked my questions here. I don’t think it’s coming from Facebook, but from my actual post.

    I went to the links you provided, and the specific instructions to set a featured image in a post says, I should select Screen Options, then in the drop-down module select, Featured Image, but it’s not in the screen option module. Featured Image is nowhere to be found in any area of creating a post, or in any other sections in the left sidebar.

    Is there a way to add options in the Screen Options module?


    Got it Theresa, and already replied! Seems as Facebook is pulling all the thumbnails from that blog post, you just have to select the right one.

    Here’s the same screenshot I’ve attached in our email:

    Let me know if this is the case or if the problem persist. Take care & have a nice weekend!


    Yes, of course I know how to do that, and I do it when I’m the person posting.

    However, the problem is that when others post it they don’t bother to change the thumbnail, and it gets re-posted with the thumbnail that highlights another artist, instead of the artist we’re promoting.

    As you can see in the screen shot I sent it’s grabing a piece of the banner as the thumbnail, instead of the photograph in the post.

    I need a way to make a photograph featured when I create the post in Word Press, but that option is nowhere to be found in my Word Press settings, even though it’s supposed to be one of the options in the module.

    If you figure something else out, let me know, and thanks for your time.


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