• Resolved deanbl



    I Setup the shop and it’s a little confusing. All of the variations/attributes are set for sizes S-XXL. However, I’m unable to set inventory/stock for any of these variations. Is there some kind of documentation or step by step process for setting the stockrooms and inventory.

    I’ve created a stock room for the item and set the amount of inventory for each variation. I’ve even chosen this newly created stockroom in the inventory section however whenever I update the product it does not change the stock. How do I know? I set the amount of XXL to 0 yet it still says “In stock” on the front end of the product page.

    Also, on the backend I choose the proper stockroom but when I update the product and look back at the inventory section the sotckroom goes back to “no stockroom”.


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  • Plugin Author orillacart


    Hi, go to Configuration and check “Check Stock” and save. Then go to Stockrooms create and publish a new stockroom. Go to your product variation inventory tab.
    Stock Room – choose your newly created stockroom ( there is appearance bug there “no stockroom”) but your stockroom is selected.
    Amounts – enter your amount.
    Manage Stock – choose “Yes” (again the same appearance bug)
    Stock Availability – it’s a little bit tricky
    global – it turns ON the all of the stockrooms amount management options.
    In Stock – always in stock. Always available for purchase. Тhe amount continues to be calculated (stockroom is ON).
    Out of Stock – Stops everything all together. Product status “Out of Stock”

    To manage your amounts go to Manage Amounts. There is a product filter. Find your product and test how it works for you.

    For the future use our support forum:

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter deanbl


    I’ve done all of this and yet it does not change.

    When I put a variation, it’s as if the plugin swallows the variation, you can see it on the front end but then you can never see it again on the backend. Is this yet another bug? This is a HUGE problem since now I can’t remove or edit variations, so how will I let my customers know a certain size is out of stock since the stockroom doesn’t even work?

    Again, the issue is that I cannot control the stock of the Attributes/variations. Example: I have 5 Small, 4 Medium, 5 Large. When someone purchases a Large, it should decrease to 4 Large. However, I have already published a stockroom, made sure it was checked in configuration, and created the individual amounts for each attribute yet the plugin does not read the stock.

    What is even the point of the “Amount” section in the Product inventory tab? All it does is change the amount of each variation to be the total amount. Example: Set the amount to 14 because that is the total amount of shirts, but there are only 5 Large yet when you select Large it says 14. If I switch to “In Stock” instead of global well it’s pretty much a useless choice since it says everything is in stock even if there are 0 Large.

    Plugin Author orillacart


    Ok, does I understand correctly, you add the amount from the main product from which all variations are created. If that is the case, you should use the inventory of each newly created product variation. You should find the them together with the regular products in Product List menu.
    Product variation are pretty much as conventional products. You can add description, image gallery and so on. All new product variations have to be published in case you want them to work.

    Product variation https://demo.orillacart.com/shop/t-shirt/
    try to buy Black size L

    Info: https://orillacart.com/knowledgebase/add-new-product/

    Best Regards

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