• Resolved Vanessa


    Hi Darren! Are there any instructions on how to get this set up with a site built with the Genesis framework? I have my latest posts showing on the Front page and need the Load More button to replace the default ‘Next Page’ links at the bottom, but I’m not sure where to start. Thanks!

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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi Vanessa,
    No instructions for post listing, just single post implementation.
    You would need to replace your homepage loops with the Ajax Load More shortcode… With Genesis this would likely mean a custom template.

    Thread Starter Vanessa


    Thanks for the quick reply! Ok going to give this a shot. Will post back here if I find a solution in case anyone else runs into the same situation.

    Thread Starter Vanessa


    Ok, I think I got it. Not sure if this is the best solution, but I’ll share in case it helps someone else. Anyone feel free to correct or share alternatives.

    After building my shortcode, I dropped the following into my functions.php:

    //* Display Load More button on homepage
    add_action('genesis_after_loop', 'more' );
    function more() {
    	if ( is_front_page() )
    	echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more post_type="post" meta_key="reward_style_code" meta_value="" meta_compare="IN" offset="3" posts_per_page="3" pause="true" scroll="false" max_pages="0" button_label="Load More Posts" container_type="div" css_classes=".posts"]');

    And removed the default Genesis pagination. All the posts seem to be loading fine at this point, now I’m just trying to style the repeater template to match the style of the homepage posts before the Load More button.

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