• Hi,

    I am using this plugin for a month now and like it. I have one issue though:

    Google advises me to move the ad that I have showing Middle of Post to ‘above the fold’, but I can only get this done by assigning it to Beginning of Post in the QuickAdsense settings page. The ad will show up at the beginning of the post.

    Any other setting does not give me an add anywhere near the middle of the page, let alone above the fold. Also tried “After Paragraph 1” but that places the ad at the end of my posts.

    On some pages the ad I assigned to Middle of the Post shows up near the end, then comes my “related posts” plugin and then comes the End of Post ad, so they are close ot eachother.
    Probably QA sees the results of my “related posts” plugin as content, I get it, but how can I get an ad to show up not at the top of a page (I find that ugly and not reader-friendly) but after the first paragraph?

    I read in another thread here that it probably has something to do with my theme not placing <p> tags properly?

    I also tried placing the ads manually with shortcode “<!–Ads3–>” but for some reason this will result in the text “<!–Ads3–>” being written in my post, no ad is being displayed.

    Any help/suggestions?


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