• I am using following code to show map on contact page.But it is not showing up.How can I resolve this problem?

    				'id'   => "{$prefix}address",
    				'name' => __( 'Address', 'your-prefix' ),
    				'type' => 'text',
    				'std'  => __( 'Hanoi, Vietnam', 'your-prefix' ),
    				'id'            => "{$prefix}map",
    				'name'          => __( 'Location', 'your-prefix' ),
    				'type'          => 'map',
    				// Default location: 'latitude,longitude[,zoom]' (zoom is optional)
    				'std'           => '-6.233406,-35.049906,15',
    				// Name of text field where address is entered. Can be list of text fields, separated by commas (for ex. city, state)
    				'address_field' => 'address',
    I have placed following code:
    			   <div class="contact-area">
               <?php echo rwmb_meta( 'pb_map'); ?>
               <?php get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'pb_map' ); ?>


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