• Hi there,
    I’m really a newbie to all this, but I managed to get a site up-and-running. (https://www.stainboy.dk)
    I now would like links from the righthand-bar to: Photos, About, Articles and so on…
    I’ll have to create static pages for these things, but how do I do that? And how do I eventually link to these from the index.php?
    Hope you can help…

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  • Anon – check out this tutorial, and see if it meets your needs:

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Thanks a lot… both.
    It’s a nice idea about having the stylesheet to do my design on the static pages as well. Now I’ll just have to read a bit about

      , but I think I’ll just use some of the styles already there…
      BTW _ Denmark is freakin’ cold at the moment!

    I really wish this would be added as a core feature of WordPress. Anyone know if static pages is on the list, and if not why?

    Sorry Stephen, didn’t mean to set you off like that.
    Numbering your para, here’s how I feel about it:
    1) In theory weblogs are dynamic and therefore “static” data doesn’t seem to jive with the concept. BUT… I do agree there’s room for something to be done “within” the system.
    2) Giving the people what they want is noble and a great idea…. I think right now, the devs are dealing with more “critical” items in the blog functionality at the moment. That’s not to say static pages won’t be a feature, it just doesn’t look like it’s on the horizon any time soon.
    3) You won’t get any arguments from me there, the separation of the content is a danger of hacks in general, and no hack is the 100% solution, nothing ever is. If it was, there’s no room for improvement.
    4) OK. I’ll be the first to say, well, what would be a better solution, and is there maybe room to take the best of what every one likes of the different 90% solution hacks and try to at least come up with the 99% solution?
    I’m not sure what the solution is, raeally. I came up with what I thought fit my needs (and for those pages I use it on, it works wonderfully) and LL has the wiki hack that solved his problem, and you have yours.
    Maybe work needs to be done parallel to (but closely with) what the dvs are doing to integrate static pages.
    The keys to getting it to work:
    1) everyone would like to see it integrated right into WP, especially the tables for searchability..
    2) being able to enter and edit the info easily
    3) being able to quickly add and remove the pages as needed
    4) some kind of link manager similar to the category link list
    Did I miss anything?

    Oh wow. Thanks TG for the great response! Looks like we’re making progress! ??
    My big point would be:
    5) ease of migration through WP upgrades and other hacks
    and that’s where most of us are stuck. As soon as we achieve point (1), we’ve sacrificed upgradability.Using my static-pages hack, I found MtDew’s Recent Posts hack to be unusable without major modification. If people lose the ability to upgrade or enhance WP, then our hack is getting in the way and needs to be removed. This is my point behind the “hack problem vs. missing-feature problem.” We want integration, yet seperation and that requires global changes to the WP system. ??
    Oh, and little responses to your response… The ranting wasn’t because I was mad, but rather being locked up in classes all day with nothing to think about. ?? And the “noble” idea of giving the people what they want isn’t too noble. I just think if you don’t, they’ll go somewhere else. Who knows, maybe someone will make a WP fork with static content. Wouldn’t that be ironic?
    – Stephen

    anon, you do realize that you’ve stolen kitta’s style sheet (and probably a large portion of her code too) don’t you?

    I think I must a “stole” some of her style sheet, too, ‘cuz my comment links are right aligned.

    it’s an older version of her site. she recently changed it. anyone care to back me up?

    I must admit that the two designs are quite similar… but stolen? No. It’s clear that stainboy.dk is very different. I would say that stainboy is “inspired” rather than stolen. ??
    Maybe if you could show us an example of the older kitta design… but seeing how stainboy has an image header while kitta has a css header, I can’t call it stolen. Just similar.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I have to admit, it does look like he ripped some of my code and my colour scheme. Which is annoying. I wouldn’t mind if the colours/font had of been changed (background colour, h3 font and colour, main font and colour) and a link would be nice. It’s not the first time I’ve had someone rip my layout off though. :o\

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I’m not afraid to admit that I (www.stainboy.dk ) have been inspired by the older kitta.net layout. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
    It’s not more than 3 weeks ago I noticed WP for the first time. I have no previous experience with PHP, CSS, etc.. so of course I’ve been playing around to see what I was able to and I found Kitta.net a good starting point ’cause it had most of the features I was looking for and it gave me the possibility to play with design. A good starting point all in all. But now I’m a bit pissed:
    I really can’t believe that anyone thinks it’s annoying that people rip their code. Yeah, they have been coding for hours, sweating and swearing and then someone comes and steals it, come on… It’s open source and the fact that I’ve been inspired by kitta.net is just a big credit to kitta, because she has done a great job. Of course I’ll link to her page when I think it’s time to launch my blog for real and of course I don’t want my design like hers. But for heavens sake, I live in Denmark and you live in Australia and the detective (FRANCEY) that first figured that there was a connection has really done a great job. You want some kind of special price?
    Why does this blogging-thing seem to be such a closed circuit that people tend to forget that the content, all the writing going on out there, is information for the masses and not only for the specially invited and the design is costum-made on most sites but inspiration comes from wherever. I certainly hope – for my own sake – that I’ll get better at understanding code and stuff, but I’ll have to come from somewhere and that means that I’ll have to shop around.
    I hope that the people nagging about this issue aren’t of that opinion that you should pass some kind of test to start a blog and do your own design.
    All the best,

    of course not. it’s just that kitta probably spent a lot of time making her layout – you know. it seems a little “cheap” for someone to lift her code, modify it a bit, and plop it on their own blog without her permission.
    there are a lot of free layout sites for wordpress: try https://www.erisfree.com/design or https://not-that-ugly.co.uk and https://www.pixelscripts.net
    they let you have a layout for FREE in exchange for only a link back. you don’t have to steal someone else’s layout to have a nice-looking blog.

    Thread Starter Anonymous


    oh i’d also like to say that it is not open source. kitta is licensed under a creative commons license.
    websites on the internet are not open source – they fall under the international berne agreement. i suggest you reference https://www.whatiscopyright.org before you make such false statements.

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