• Okay, the topic title is a little off.

    Basically, what I want to do is this.

    I have my blog setup to email whenever a comment is made to one of my posts. It works great, and I get the emails no problem.
    However, if I make a comment to my blog, I get an email telling me that I made a comment.

    Is there a way to have it so when I make a comment myself, it won’t email me. But I want to receive the emails for comments from other people.

    I tried to search here, but didnt’ find what I was looking for.

    thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter vryce


    Thats what mine looks like. Still get emails.

    Not sure why. At least you did find a solution that seems to work.

    It might be because I have a lot of plugins installed, though not sure why it wouldn’t work.

    Okay. Ditto Vryce. Though I deactivated all plugins except not-to-me, so that shouldn’t be it.

    I guess you can’t call mine a “stock install” though, since I don’t have the “stock theme” available….

    Thanks for the plugin – maybe something will occur to me as to why it won’t work for the two of us….

    Thread Starter vryce


    Theme shouldn’t matter, should it? I’m using Journalized Blue by Mike Little that I modified myself a bit.
    My WP install is far from stock and the theme isnt the default one.

    It looks like its getting the proper info from you little plugin, just for whatever reason, WP is still shipping out the email even though your plugin tells it that it shouldn’t.

    I just uploaded and activated and it works for me!

    Well, then Vryce and I know it’s just us. Wonder what it is exactly?

    I think I’ll set up another “stock install”, and try it without anything else going on….

    Did you double check the email address that shows when you post the comment and that it matches with the others in the options and the user profile?

    Thread Starter vryce


    Thread Starter vryce


    Yep.. both email address are the same, the one that I use to make the comment and the email address in the blog options.

    Again, ditto Vryce. I use the same email everywhere….

    I did a completely vanilla install. Added nothing but this plugin, set the rest of it up like the others as far as posting etc.

    Posted a comment, got the normal moderation email, approved the comment. Got an email telling me a comment had been posted.

    Very strange…. can’t be other plugins – there aren’t any. Guess I’ll have to do some more playing around….

    the not-to-me plugin is great, but it seems it doesn’t work anymore since I upgraded to 2.0. anyone with the same problem?

    tried it, doesn’t work. thanks anyway.

    ah sorry, it seems that scnf2 DOES work!

    Neither Not-to-Me nor the Self Comment Notification Filter plugins work for me. Wish I could find something to end these doggone self-notifications.

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