Hey kimpeartgratton!
Thanks for dropping by the forum. I totally understand the need to to modify that label to match your site’s CSS.
Typically, to accomplish that, we’ll want to be sure to uncheck the “Enabled” box for the custom stylings of the plugin. To locate and change that, open up your WordPress dashboard, click Settings> MailChimp Setup. From there, scroll down to the Custom Styling heading and be sure that the custom styling isn’t enabled. If it was, deselecting that box and clicking Update Subscribe Form Settings should usually help.
It also can help to utilize the the classes and ID’s we’d provide for overriding the default CSS. Those will also be listed within the MailChimp Setup, under the CSS Cheat Sheet heading. In the event that you’re utilizing the Shortcode, you’ll likely want to remove the <style> tags from the mailchimp/mailchimp_widget.php file, as was mentioned here:
However, having said all that, when I looked things over in your site I actually wasn’t able to locate our plugin. I did notice some code for MailChimp for WordPress, which would be created and supported by a 3rd-party. For assistance with that plugin, I’d recommend reaching out directly to their developers here:
Feel free to post any future questions you might have about our plugin! We’ll be happy to help ??