Hi, Thanks for using CF GeoPlugin.
Yes you can. Here is the examples:
- “Enter Your Number To See Available Cars In Toronto“
- “Click Here To Get Approved In Ontario“
- “Exclusive Offer Available in New York“
-That’s how you can target message to people using DKI technics.
Now your problem:
I don’t see a way to emit a message based upon being/not being in a certain region. Nor by IP address (192.168.*.*?)
-For now CF GeoPlugin is like a child, do basic things like dynamic keyword insertation, but if you are developer and you have PHP knowledge, you can use do_shortcode()
function inside your PHP scripts and insert CF GeoPlugin shortcodes into your algorithm. You can do many interesting stufs there. Also inside javascript and jQuery you can do something like this for Contact Form 7 plugin – like example:
[text* text-63 id:City]
[text* text-64 id:State]
// use CF GeoPlugin Shortcode inside JS
var city = "[cf_geo return=city]";
var state = "[cf_geo return=state]";
// after page loaded place data inside forms
Soon we planning to made inside CF GeoPlugin options for you inside wp-admin to place banners, messages or pages based on geolocation by city, state, country timezone, etc, but that is for the next version.