• Resolved dauidus


    Hey Matt,

    I’m developing a plugin that allows admins to set content requirements before content can be published. And, I’m working on integrating custom fields to work with this plugin. But, I’m running into a problem… it seems there’s no way to easily determine whether or not a custom field has been created with CFS or ACF. I’ve been able to get it to work using lots of javascript that targets the parent element of an input field, but its ugly and relies heavily on javascript. Is there any way to make this distinction with just PHP? I’ve looked into how CFS fields are stored in the database, but it seems similar to how AFC does it. Am I missing something?

    I realize this isn’t your standard support request. But, I’ve exhausted all my resources and figured I’d just go straight to the source. Hope you can help!



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  • Thread Starter dauidus


    As of now, I have this. Figured its always easier to solve a problem when we have something to start with. ??

    global $wpdb;
    		    $post_type = $pt;
    		    $query = "
    		        SELECT DISTINCT($wpdb->postmeta.meta_key)
    		        FROM $wpdb->posts
    		        LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta
    		        ON $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->postmeta.post_id
    		        WHERE $wpdb->posts.post_type = '%s'
    		        AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key != ''
    		        AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key NOT RegExp '(^[_0-9].+$)'
    		        AND $wpdb->postmeta.meta_key NOT RegExp '(^[0-9]+$)'
    		    $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare($query, $post_type)); // get array of all meta_keys that don't start with _ or a number and have a value saved in the database
    		    // as of now, this only checks for custom fields with a saved value
                        if ( $meta_keys ) {  // if our post type has any custom fields...
                                 foreach ( $meta_keys as $key => $value ) { 
    					if ( substr( $value, 0, 5 ) == "wpcf-" ) { // if from Types Plugin
    						$name = str_replace("wpcf-", "", $value); // all this gets rid of wpcf and hyphens in the label
    						$check = str_replace("-", " ", $name);
    						$label = $check . ' &nbsp; <em>types</em>';
    					else if ( CFS()->get( $value ) ) { // if from CFS Plugin (not working)
    						$field = get_field_object($value);
    						$label = $field['name'] . ' &nbsp; <em>cfs</em>';
    					else { // if from ACF Plugin (as of now, this detects everything thats not from Types)
    						$check = str_replace("_", " ", $value);
    						$label = $check . ' &nbsp; <em>acf</em>';

    Then, I’m using $label to output the pretty name of the field and which plugin created it. Trouble is, all CFS-created fields are being detected as ACF. I’m planning to add more checks later, to determine if the field is hard-coded or a number of other options. But, if I can’t get this to work with CFS/ACF, then I’m just wasting time.


    Plugin Author Matt Gibbs


    Couldn’t you just run CFS()->get( 'my_field' ) and check if the return value is NULL?

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