how to test a wp plugin
hi ,
there is a plugin, written by another user.
i have activated that plugin in WP. It works fine.Now i want to do some modifications and test that plugin. (dispay variables..add variables etc)
How can i do this without running the pluginSay plugin file is myplugin.php
Can i access this pluging via my site url… like then it says, it missing this and that file…
Need your assistance. How to run this plugin
—————Pluging code is as follows———–
<?php /* Plugin Name: Deal Parser Description: Parses deal site and adds content as post */ add_action('admin_menu', 'deal_parser_menu'); function deal_parser_menu() { add_menu_page('Deal Parser', 'Deal Parser', 'manage_options', 'dealparser', 'deal_parser_page', '', 6); } function deal_parser_page() { ?> <script> (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>'; $('#runner').on('click', function () { var realthis = $(this); $(this).prop('disabled', true); $(this).after('<img style="margin-left:20px" id="theloader" src="<?=plugins_url('deal-parser/images/ajax-loader.gif') ?>">'); $.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'fetch_site' }, function (response) { $('#frameholder').html(response); $('#theloader').remove(); $(realthis).prop('disabled', false); } ); }) }); })(jQuery); </script> <br> <br> <br> <input type="submit" autocomplete="off" value="Run parser manually now" class="button" id="runner" name=""> <div id="frameholder"></div> <? } function print_pre($val) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($val); echo "</pre>"; die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_fetch_site', 'fetch_site'); function fetch_site() { global $wpdb; echo "<br>Bot starting to run.."; echo "<br>Going to .."; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Googlebot/2.1 ('); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'wow.txt'); //could be empty, but cause problems on some hosts curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'wow.txt'); //could be empty, but cause problems on some hosts $answer = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_error($ch)) { echo curl_error($ch); } include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); $html = str_get_html($answer); $ret = $html->find('.marginBotm10px a'); krsort($ret); foreach ($ret as $thisdeal) { global $wpdb; echo "<br>Going to" . $thisdeal->attr['href'] . " .."; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "" . $thisdeal->attr['href']); $answer = curl_exec($ch); $html2 = str_get_html($answer); $ret2 = $html2->find('h1.marginBotm10px', 0); /* $check = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = '" . trim($ret2->innertext) . "' and post_status='published'"); print_pre(trim($ret2->innertext)); if ($check) { echo "<br> The deal " . trim($ret2->innertext) . ' already exists, deal updated'; continue; } */ $title = trim($ret2->innertext); if (get_page_by_title($title, 'OBJECT', 'seller')) : echo "<br> The deal " . trim($ret2->innertext) . ' already exists, deal updated'; continue; endif; echo "<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>"; echo "**************************************************"; $ret3 = $html2->find('.dealblock_content_info_image', 0); $imageurl = $ret3->attr['src']; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $image_data = file_get_contents($imageurl); $filename = basename($imageurl); $pieces = explode('.', $filename); $filenamenew = $pieces[0] . time(); $filename = $filenamenew . "." . $pieces[1]; if (wp_mkdir_p($upload_dir['path'])) $file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $filename; else $file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' . $filename; file_put_contents($file, $image_data); $fileurl = str_replace("/home/zerandib/public_html/samplesite/", "", $file); $ret4 = $html2->find('#wow_deal_bigtextarea', 0); $ret5 = $html2->find('#wow_deal_bigtextarea', 1); $ret6 = $html2->find('#wow_deal_validity', 0)->find('p', 0)->innertext; $ret6 = str_replace('of ','',$ret6); $piecesdate = explode("to", trim($ret6)); $dealstart = strtotime(trim($piecesdate[0])); if($dealstart > time()) { $dealstart = time(); } if(!is_int($dealstart)) print_pre($dealstart); $dealend = strtotime(str_replace('.', '', trim($piecesdate[1]))); $our_price = str_replace(',','',str_replace('Rs ','',trim($html2->find('.dealblock_price_to',0)->innertext))); $current_price = str_replace(',','',str_replace('Rs ','',trim($html2->find('.dealblock_price_from',0)->innertext))); echo "************"; echo "<br/>"; echo $our_price; echo "************"; echo $current_price; echo "<br/>"; echo "************"; print_pre("**************************"); print_pre($our_price); print_pre("**************************"); print_pre($current_price); $sold_count =$html2->find('#sold_count', 0)->innertext; $my_post = array( 'post_title' => trim($ret2->innertext), 'post_content' => '<div class="dealpage_header"> <h3><a href="' . $fileurl . '"><img class="alignnone wp-image-9" src="' . $fileurl . '" alt="2"/></a></h3> <a target="_blank" href="' . $thisdeal->attr['href'] . '"><button>Get This Deal</button></a> <h3>Deal Terms & Conditions</h3> </div> <div id="wow_deal_bigtextarea" class="alpha omega squre_border marginTB10px"> ' . $ret4->innertext . ' </div> <div class="dealpage_header"> <h3>About Deal</h3> </div> <div id="wow_deal_bigtextarea" class="alpha omega squre_border margintop10px marginBotm30px"> ' . $ret5->innertext . ' </div>', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1, 'post_category' => array(8, 39), 'post_type' => 'seller' ); $post_ID = wp_insert_post($my_post); $post_url = get_the_permalink($post_ID); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "coupon_start_date_time", "meta_value" => $dealstart )); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "coupon_end_date_time", "meta_value" => $dealend )); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "our_price", "meta_value" => $our_price )); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "current_price", "meta_value" => $current_price )); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "file_name", "meta_value" => $fileurl )); $wpdb->insert("wp_postmeta", array( "post_id" => $post_ID, "meta_key" => "status", "meta_value" => 1 )); echo "<br> Deal with title : " . trim($ret2->innertext) . " added successfully. View post : <a href='" . $post_url . "' target='_blank'>" . $post_url . "</a>"; } } ?>
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