• Resolved m4j4


    I have a custom field (created with ACF – Advanced Custom Filed plugin).
    In my theme I call it like that:

    <p><?php the_field ( 'description' ); ?></p>

    How can I translate this custom field with qTranslate X?

    I’ve tried everything …

    In the template file I’ve tried:
    <p><?php __(the_field ( 'description' )); ?></p>
    <p><?php _e(the_field ( 'description' )); ?></p>
    <p><?php the_field __(( 'description' )); ?></p>
    <p><?php the_field _e(( 'description' )); ?></p>

    IN the input field I’ve tried:
    <!–:en–>English Text<–:–><!–:de–>Deutsch Text<–:–>
    [:en]English Text[:de]Deutsch

    … but nothing works. So what should I do to make this custom field translatable with qTranslate X?


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  • Just noticed, that after conversion process on some languages few pages (not all of them) are shown as not translated…

    Plugin Author Gunu



    some languages few pages (not all of them) are shown as not translated…

    If not every language has filled this is normal.

    Found the problem.
    All of the pages in use are translated, those what are not – just arn’t seen in menu or at least see the message “the content you’re viewing is not available in selected language”.

    Bu the problem is with “Easy IMage Gallery” plaugin – it has to have QtranslateX tags in description, otherwise – all page is “hidden”.

    Kind of solved.

    Hi all,

    First of all, thanks for the great plugin!

    I’m fairly new as a developer and would like to ask for your kind help. I believe several newbies like me would have the same question as mine.

    My website is test.cook4app.com, built on self hosting with WP theme AppThemes. I’m now turning it into a multi-language site and I’m having issues in translating the theme custom areas, which in my case are all you see on the home page.

    I read all the FAQ, guides and forum threads. Nonetheless, it’s very hard for me to understand what to do in concrete terms. So, may I ask for guidance on a simple step by step to do list to follow? I’ll start with what I’ve done:
    1 – From Settings>Languages>Languages, I selected the languages in which I want my website
    2 – From Pages>All pages, I inputed the page contents in each langauge
    3 – From Appearance>Menus, I added the language switch to the site’s main menu, translated the menu itself and edited the links to which the menu will take in different languages
    4 – In order to test the translation of some theme custom field, I went to my site home page and inspected the text on the left (“The first peer to peer…”), hence identifying the class name of both the header and underlying text. In my case, they were slidertext and slidertitle
    5 – Back to WP Admin in the qTranslate section, I pasted those two names, separated by comma, in Integration>Custom fields>Class

    And now I’m trying to understand the additional actions needed!

    Thanks much for helping.



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