Thank you for your response. I have already read through that article and implemented the recommendations, and I’m still not able to get it to work. The site in mind is here:
You can see as. you scroll to the end of the article, another article automatically loads in, but the in-content ads and sidebar ads, all of which use Advanced Ads for placement, do not appear. After I load the next article, I’m executing this code:
// Trigger Advanced Ads after new content is appended
if (typeof window.advads !== 'undefined') {
console.log('content loaded');
This is what I see in the console:
content loaded
mvpcustom.js?ver=1702299603:67 {supports_localstorage: ?, max_per_session: ?, count_up: ?, set_cookie_exists: ?, get_cookie: ?,?…}center_fixed_element: ? (e)center_vertically: ? (e)close: ? (e)cookie_exists: ? (e)count_up: ? (e,t)find_wrapper: ? (e,t)fix_element: ? (e,t)get_cookie: ? (e)max_per_session: ? (e,t)move: ? (e,t,o)privacy: {state: 'not_needed', state_executed: true, get_state: ?, is_adsense_npa_enabled: ?, dispatch_event: ?,?…}set_cookie: ? (e,t,o,a,n,i)set_cookie_exists: ? (e)set_cookie_sec: ? (e,t,o,a,n,i)set_parent_relative: ? (e,t)supports_localstorage: ? ()wait_for_images: ? (e,t)Prototype: Object
mvpcustom.js?ver=1702299603:80 Error loading next article: TypeError: window.advads.checkAds is not a function
at mvpcustom.js?ver=1702299603:68:20
Note the TypeError that is being triggered from the call to window.advads.checkAds();
So, window.advads exists in the context of my ajax call, but it does not have a method called checkAds(). I’m assuming there’s a method I need to call at this point to load in the new ads, I just don’t know what it is.