How to turn off comments, configuring parent pages y la fecha en espa?ol
Hi everyone,
I am trying to migrate content from to a Word Press format to make it easier for the office to make future updates. It is my first day playing around with WP, and I am pretty happy with the results so far:
I have three signifigant problems.
1. I want to turn off the comments on the pages.
2. I would like to be able to organize posts so that they fall under Parent pages. I’m not quite sure if I’m using the right terminology, but basically I want to be able to make a post and it not necesarily fall under the first page. It would be nice to organize them by the pages shown on top.
3. The page is in Spanish, and I really like the way that it displays the dates of the posts, if only it were in Spanish! Does anyone know how to change this?Gracias,
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