I resolved this:
In MySQL there are two tables that you can edit to clone the locked out user and make a new user that is not locked out:
In wp_users table find the locked out user row and copy it but supply new unique entries for the new user name for these columns along the lines given here:
user_login: ‘oldUser1’ -> ‘newUser2’
user_nicename: ‘OldUser’ -> ‘CloneUser’
display_name: ‘User1’ -> ‘User2’
ID: 2 -> 3
Next, in the wp_usermeta table, copy the 18 rows that match user_id 2 and make new rows with user_id 3. For row with meta_key column value nickname give a new value.
Having done all this, you may restart your apache server and now login using the User2 with your original password that was copied from User1 and you will have the same privileges as before and not be locked out.